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Brazil is the 3rd country that consumes more beer in the world

Research highlights beer consumption in Brazil and in the world

The Brazil is the third country that consumes the most beer in the world, second only to China and the United States.

This is revealed in a study released by the discount platform  that gathered research data from Credit Suisse, Euromonitor and Statista.

The average Brazilian consumes  six liters of beer per month. And the average spending per week was R$ 46. In the month it totals R$ 184, which represents 16% of the cost of the national minimum wage. In addition, 9% of respondents spend over R$ 101 per week.

Preferred beers by Brazilians

The Skol is more beer sold in Brazil. Followed by Brahma and Antarctica, respectively. The three best-selling brands are from Ambev. In the fourth position is  Schin , and  Itaipava  in fifth position. Heineken  is also among the most preferred ,  but according to Credit Suisse’s assessment, the difference between the favorite and most consumed beers, can be explained by lack of stock and high prices, two problems recently cited by bar owners.

The main factor in choosing one brand over the other was the taste. The price and type of beer, also comes into consideration, but in second and third position respectively.

The preferred packaging with 47% of the respondents’ options is  beer in a glass bottleCanned beer  was the second option, with 39% of the preference.

Scenario of beer consumption around the world

The China is the country that consumes the most beer, with 27% of world consumption. The United States comes  in second, with 13%. And  Brazil  is in the third position, with 7% of the world consumption

On the world stage, the best-selling beer is  Snow  with a 5.5% market share. The second is  Tsingtao , both from China. Bud Light  and  Budweiser,  both from the United States, are in third and fourth position. In fifth place is  Skol , from Brazil, with 2.1% market share.

Check out the full infographic below:

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