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Investments in the electrical system of Greater Florianópolis is the agenda for a meeting between mayors and the board of directors of Celesc

Investments in the electrical system of Greater Florianópolis is the agenda for a meeting between mayors and the board of directors of Celesc

The actions to improve the electrical system of Greater Florianópolis were put on the agenda this week, during a virtual meeting between Celesc’s board of directors and mayors of municipalities that make up the distributor’s Núcleo Grande Capital (NUCAP). Investments for the region, from 2019 to 2021, are estimated at R $ 133 million and will be invested in the expansion and modernization of substations (in the high voltage system), in addition to the increase and improvements in the medium and low voltage networks.

The funds will be used for the construction of the São João Batista SE, which includes a large package of works designed to serve the Greater Florianópolis region and also includes new substations in Santo Amaro da Imperatriz and Governador Celso Ramos, substations already delivered, such as the new SE Palhoça Caminho Novo and SE São José Real Parque, and the expansion of the installed capacity of the Ilha Sul and Ingleses substations, both in Florianópolis, SE Biguaçu, and also improvements in SE Tijucas”, said the president of Celesc, Cleicio Poleto Martins.

On the occasion, Cleicio highlighted the importance of dialogue with the public authorities, in addition to the application of resources, to make it faster and more efficient to meet the demands and actions for improvements in the cities’ energy network. “We want to get closer and closer to the city halls to solidify, even more assertively, our role as facilitating agents in expanding the service to energy services”, he affirmed. The distributor’s president also highlighted the work done to streamline bidding processes, investments in digital channels and in communication with customers and the hiring of 69 new employees from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2021, among attendants for the Celesc Stores, technicians and electricians for the emergency response teams, especially in the attention to the power network of the health and education institutions of Greater Florianópolis.

Among the important works cited at the meeting, the Distribution Director, Sandro Levandoski explained that SE São João Batista – which will have an installed capacity of 40MVA and will be powered by 138,000 volts – will improve the distribution of energy not only for São João Batista, but also in Tijucas, Nova Trento and Major Gercino.”For this work, R $ 16 million will be invested, including the distribution lines necessary to connect the new SE to the existing electrical system, and the forecast is that it will be delivered at the end of 2022″, he said.

In addition to the investments in the electricity system, the Commercial Director, Vitor Guimarães, highlighted the company’s efforts to expand services performed virtually, such as installment payments, requests for new connections, changing ownership, among others. He pointed out that in recent years procedures have been remodeled, especially those that require signature and validation at a registry office. “Our intention is that Celesc’s commercial services are offered in a virtual way, especially through the Web Agency, but also through other channels such as the Celesc App. With the expansion of the range of online services, the goal is to mitigate the face-to-face queues at customer service stores” he pointed out.

Participated in the virtual meeting, in addition to the managers of Celesc and the manager of the Nucleus of the Big Capital (Nucap) of the company, Renato Rolim, the mayor of Rancho Queimado, Cleici Veronezi, the mayor of Canelinha, Diogo Maciel, the mayor of São Pedro de Alcântara, Charles da Cunha, the mayor of Nova Trento, Tiago Dalsasso, the Municipal Secretary of Communication of Governor Celso Ramos, William Wollinger Brenuvida, and the Secretary of Planning of Major Gercino, Rogério Resner.

Streamlined maintenance and response to events

In addition to the new developments for the Greater Florianópolis region, the Nucap manager, Renato Rolim, pointed out that the company has been working in a decentralized manner to more quickly serve the cities of Greater Florianópolis, through a structured and focused operation for approval of projects, especially those for restructuring the electricity grid on the urban road and maintaining the displacement of the poles.

Another point addressed was the purchase and installation of energy reclosers, which allow the system to be remotely reconnected in fall situations, especially in rural areas. “Among the benefits brought by these reclosers is the reduction in the time when communities are without energy, since the attendance to the events does not depend on the displacement of teams and is even more agile”, explained Rolim.

Celesc Rural

To strengthen the Celesc Rural Program, which benefits the electricity grid for communities living in rural areas of Greater Florianópolis, President Cleicio informed that R$ 4.8 million will be allocated to the transformation of single-phase networks to three-phase protected cable networks. The structures will allow the installation of more powerful and modern equipment for field activities and should be installed by the end of 2021.

Text: Marcelle Fernandes | Edition Heda Wenzel

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