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ADE Granfpolis Launches Leadership Development Program for Education Professionals

To encourage self-knowledge and the strengthening of leadership skills, the Education Development Arrangement (ADE) Granfpolis launched the Liderar program, aimed at municipal education secretaries and other professionals in the sector. “We exercise leadership at home, in the workplace and with friends. Leading is not just commanding a group of people, it is motivating, influencing and inspiring. And this is learned in living together, on a daily basis, in exchange and in the process of self-knowledge“, says Project Implementation analyst at Instituto Positivo, Amanda Rocha.

According to her, part of the program started in March, aimed exclusively at the leading education secretaries of ADE Granfpolis, and had great involvement from the participants. “To develop other leaders and meet the group’s request, we created a personal development workshop for the other Granfpolis municipal education secretaries and technicians from the secretariats. We want the learning to be shared later with the teams that work in the schools, thus contributing to the development of different leaders”, he explains. Currently, about 45 people participate in the program.

The workshops will be online and divided into two meetings, as explained by Humanii’s psychologist and program mediator, Débora Medeiros. “We approach two themes that are fundamental to the leadership process, especially at this moment in which we live. We work on interpersonal relationships, with a focus on personal valuation languages, and emotional management, to understand how to better deal with one’s emotions and with others. The content enhances the communication process within the departments and, as a result, generates a more careful look at the emotional management of employees”, he says. Humanii is a company for the development of people and organizations and a partner of Instituto Positivo in this project.

The meetings are already scheduled. On May 27, the theme is Interpersonal Relationship and, on June 16, Emotional Management.

About ADE Granfpolis

Dedicated to studying and disseminating the ADEs methodology in Brazil, Instituto Positivo (IP) is a partner of the Association of Municipalities of the Greater Florianópolis Region (Granfpolis), in Santa Catarina, which in a pioneering articulation, launched in 2015 the first ADE the south of the country.

Between the years 2015 and 2020, 22 education secretaries in the region and their teams work together in order to achieve the four territorial goals, defined in common agreement and aimed at improving the quality of education in the territory. The municipalities of: Águas Mornas, Alfredo Wagner, Angelina, Anitápolis, Antônio Carlos, Biguaçu, Canelinha, Florianópolis, Garopaba, Governor Celso Ramos, Leoberto Leal, Major Gercino, Nova Trento, Palhoça, Paulo Lopes, Rancho Queimado are part of the ADE Granfpolis. , Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, São Bonifácio, São João Batista, São José, São Pedro de Alcântara and Tijucas.

For those who want to know more about Education Development Arrangements (ADE), this collaboration mechanism that directs 13 groups and involves 225 Brazilian municipalities for the benefit of Education, Instituto Positivo makes available free of charge the guide “Education Development Arrangements: paths for implementation and management”, an unprecedented document at national level that can be accessed free of charge on the Instituto Positivo website.

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