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Onion production may collapse in the 2022 harvest

Deputy Peninha asks Minister Tereza Cristina for approval of new crop protection product for onion production

Producers are neglected as an alternative to weed control after the manufacturer announced the end of Totril

The next crop of onion and garlic in Brazil may be compromised by the lack of an agricultural pesticide used in cultivation, since it will no longer be produced by the manufacturer. Deputy Rogério Peninha (MDB / SC) has already sent a request to the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Tereza Cristina, to speed up the analysis of the product that can replace it, considered the only viable alternative, and for the release to happen. in time for the 2022 harvest. “It is a serious situation, we run the risk of shortages”, warns Peninha.

For years, producers had been using a compound based on ioxynil octanoate, of the commercial name Totril, to fight weeds without damaging the plant. It turns out that the manufacturer announced that production will be stopped and the pesticide will no longer be marketed in the next harvest, leaving farmers without a financially viable alternative that does not harm the plant.

According to experts, several herbicides have already been tested and only one specific has proved to be efficient. Deputy Peninha, who is an agronomist and has worked with producers, said that he was informed by Anace (National Association of Onion Producers) that the company that manufactures the substitute pesticide has already filed a request with the Ministry of Agriculture to register a formulation equivalent to Trotil, with all the studies and documents required for its approval.

Onions and garlic are present in the kitchens of all Brazilian homes. If production is impaired, it will directly affect the price at the supermarket. We have thousands of producers who depend on this cultivar. The analysis needs to be quick, because after being approved, the company has to import the product and get it to suppliers here in Brazil”, explains Peninha.

Production in Brazil and SC

Brazil is among the 10 largest onion producers in the world. Production in the country occupies a cultivated area of ​​63 thousand hectares. As for the Brazilian states, Santa Catarina is the largest national onion producer. The production volume is 523 thousand tons of bulbs, according to Epagri.

Culture has great economic importance for the State, especially in the Alto Vale do Itajaí. The municipality of Ituporanga, located in this region, is responsible for 12% of the onion supply throughout the Brazilian territory. It is recognized as the National Capital of the Onion through a bill by Deputy Peninha (PL 4176/12).

The lack of this input can compromise competitiveness in the market and cause producers, all from family farming, to produce less and lose income. The approval of the new product must happen until September 2021”, highlights the parliamentarian.

Peninha is a member of the Agricultural Parliamentary Front and said he will sue her if it is necessary to intervene in the matter.

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