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Emílio Figueira, writer with cerebral palsy, launches book “Ventos nas Velas”

Faced with the uncertainties that hover in life at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, the work reflects that by not knowing which side the winds will come from, things always happen with everyone’s permission.

According to a survey by Nielsen Brasil and the National Union of Book Publishers, more than 3.7 million books were sold in February this year. The number represents an increase of 18.69% in the volume of copies sold compared to the same period last year.

The second Panel on Retail and Books in Brazil shows that interest in reading has increased during the pandemic. According to the survey, there was an increase of 12.59% in the commercial book’s numerical indicator.

On the wave of this rise in literature is the work  ”Ventos nas Velas”,  a literary novel that deals with stories of disillusionment, physical losses, material losses and health problems, such as Covid-19, which no one can avoid.

Emílio Figueira, with cerebral palsy due to asphyxia during childbirth, author of a vast scientific production, psychologist, psychoanalyst, independent theologian, with five degrees and two doctorates, highlights that people have two options in life: spending all their time if regretting or reacting, leaving the comfort zone and having the attitude of changing one’s destiny.

He comments that as it is not known which way the winds will come, things always happen when they are allowed to beat the sails of boats, thus sailing without the traumas or moorings of the past.

In Ventos nas Velas, there are stories of characters with emotional dependencies originating in the past who need to rediscover themselves along the way, realizing that it is never too late to be happy, minimizing conscious or unconscious pain. In addition, it portrays the lives of many Brazilians in this very delicate moment in which the country finds itself, with financial, emotional, physical and health difficulties.

About the book:  Ventos nas Velas is a literary novel with characters of different profiles, interconnected, showing that having disappointments, physical losses, material losses or health problems is something that no one can avoid.

The important thing, according to the book that was readapted during the period of social isolation, will be what we do from them. We can spend our lives regretting or reacting, stepping out of our comfort zone, taking action to change our own destiny.

The work, which has two chapters available free of charge through its website, highlights that as you never know which way the winds will come, things happen whenever you allow them to beat the sails of boats, thus navigating without trauma or strings from the past. Life needs to be an eternal fearless movement towards the future and the unexpected, where frustrated stories can also have happy endings.


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Carlos Irineu

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