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Tornado in the Midwest of Santa Catarina: 100% of the electrical system is restored

After four days of intense work, the electrical system that feeds the Midwest of Santa Catarina was fully restored this Tuesday night (06/01). In the region hit by a tornado and strong storms last Friday (28), 13 municipalities were left without electricity due to the fall of towers of the power transmission company.

At exactly 10:17 pm, the transmission lines that depart from the 230kV Substation of the transmitting company were energized. From it, Celesc’s 138kV lines received the energy charge to supply the substations that serve the region’s electrical system. Before midnight, all Celesc substations were energized and, gradually, the energy networks of the municipalities that were still without electricity were being re-established.

The Caçador and Caçador Castelhano substations were the first to be energized, around 10:20 pm, and, from them, the feeders that make up the power grid of Caçador and also of the municipalities of Matos Costa, Calmon and Timbó Grande had their systems reestablished.

At 22:46, it was the turn of SE Fraiburgo to receive the load from the recovered transmission line and, with it, the network in the city of Lebon Régis was also serviced. Finally, the municipality of Videira had its substation energized at 10:55 pm, which also included service to the entire energy network in locations that were still without electricity in the municipalities of Rio das Antas, Iomerê, Arroio Trinta, Salto Veloso, Macieira and Pine Neto.

Integrated work

The strong winds caused problems in the region’s electricity grid, especially between Videira and Campos Novos. Four 230kV power transmission towers belonging to the power transmission company were demolished. The National Electric System Operator (ONS), responsible for coordinating the National Interconnected System (SIN), reported that, as a result, the Campos Novos – Videira transmission line was automatically shut down, interrupting the transfer of loads from the Substation (SE ) Vine due to the unavailability of other 138 kV lines in the region, also reaching the SEs Caçador, Caçador Castelhano and Fraiburgo.

During the peak of the problem, still on Friday, around 90 thousand consumers in the region had their energy supply interrupted. Celesc made all teams available to attend to the occurrence. The first step taken by its teams was to visit hospitals and health posts to help with the operation of generators, including supplying diesel oil.

Also over the weekend, electricity was restored in some areas in the municipalities of Macieira, Salto Veloso, Arroio Trinta, Iomerê, Lebon Regis, Pinheiro Preto and Rio das Antas. In Videira and Fraiburgo, since Sunday, Celesc managed to adopt a load rotation scheme, from networks of other substations, in order to mitigate the effects of the lack of energy. In this way, the neighborhoods of these cities were supplied for a few hours.

On Sunday night, Celesc energized the Campos Novos region (hit by the tornado), as well as part of the city of Fraiburgo, through a network from Campos Novos.

Photo:  Substation (SE) Caçador | Celesc Disclosure

Text:  Marcelle Fernandes | Heda Wenzel Edition

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