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Neither Lula nor Bolsonaro – next elections will win Abstention and white and null votes!

If the two candidates do not change the language, but stay in mutual and tiresome harangues, abstention, blanks and nulls will be the big winners in the next elections.

Politicians have already noticed this increase, but they are not able to recognize the real culprit!

Someone will say: but they are not valid votes, so they don’t count! Whoever abstains, transfers his right to vote to whoever went to vote, etc. etc.

Abstention, blank and null votes, demonstrate that the candidates did not know how to say what the voters wanted to hear and the number of voters who do not consider themselves represented by the politicians offered by the party legends has increased with each election.

In the 2018 election, the number of abstentions, blanks and nulls reached 29.12 percent in the first round, totaling more than 40 million voters.

In the second round for President abstention, blank and null votes had an even higher rate: 30.87 percent in the second round with 42,466,402 voters unhappy with the general political situation.

Elections for Mayor and Councilor tend to be more attended than elections for national offices, however, in 2020 the abstention rate, white and null was even higher: 32.80%. Voting votes was 7,054,302, 3,915,103 blanks and 34,242,550 abstentions, totaling 45,211,955 disgruntled voters.

If we consider the number of voters, and not what is considered a valid vote by the current electoral legislation (ie: valid votes are considered only nominal votes, votes in subtitles, etc.) we have abstentions, null blanks represent 1/3 of the electorate Brazilian and is already surpassing the second candidate and approaching the first.

In the next elections, for sure, abstentions, blanks and nulls will surpass the number of the two candidates that are preparing to run in elections in 2022.

Bolsonaro cannot claim that half of Brazil elected him, as he only got 1/3 of the votes. Another 2/3 don’t agree with what he thinks. The two “extremes” are moving away, not from each other, but from the electorate that is not being represented by them.

The electoral justice should review the legislation, as abstention, blanks and nulls are votes against the options offered to voters and the increase indicates that it is necessary to improve the quality of the political class.

If voting were not mandatory, the rate of abstentions, blanks and nulls, would certainly exceed 70%, putting the Brazilian democratic system in check.

There is no solution to increase the fine for those who do not feel represented by a counterfeit democracy! The solution is to present quality politicians who present a record of services across the country and who do not just prioritize their family or political clans.

Voters are giving signs that this democracy is not representative and it will become increasingly apparent that the country is unhappy with the national political class.

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