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MC² Course – Girls in Science opens registration for its second edition

A project created by two high school students aims to inspire girls interested in math and science

MC² – Meninas na Ciência has opened enrollment for the second edition of the online course, which offers science and math classes for girls in Elementary School II from public schools, combining excellent content and didactic teaching. Classes are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday mornings from August 7th to October 31st this year.

The initiative, conceived by students Luiza Brunelli Bührer and Mariana Faria Miyazaki, both 17 years old and attending the third year of high school, began in early 2020, at a critical moment of the pandemic, when many schools had suspended classes and thousands of students found it difficult to keep up with distance learning.

Published only via Instagram ( @cursomc2 ), the first edition of the course reached approximately 6,200 followers and more than 150 enrollments from volunteers aged 15 to 44, with more than 90 people selected to be tutors and assistants. As for the students, aged between 9 and 16, more than 2,600 applications were received, of which 1,800 were accepted. Of these students, 1,000 confirmed their place and more than 200 were present enough to receive the certificate of completion (80% attendance). In total, more than 20 Brazilian states were represented by students and volunteers.

For four months, from June to October 2020, the students had four hours of class per week, where subjects of science and mathematics subjects for girls from 6th to 9th grade of public education were worked. In addition, special guests who work in the field of science were present, in order to inspire those who have this same dream.

At the end of the edition, many girls were positively impacted by the project, with the majority stating in a feedback form that their interests were deepened, they had better school performance and would be willing to participate in the course again.

The young Janah, 14 years old and resident of the Federal District, emphasized the importance of the experience in 2020: “The MC² was essential for me in this Olympiad that I had the honor of receiving the gold medal, as well as in other areas of my academic life. I found out about the National Science Olympiad through a post in the class of the course. The MC² awakened in me an interest in science that I didn’t even know I had, a desire to always learn more and more from this immense and extraordinary universe of science. Having the support and teachings of the course’s teaching staff was essential in this part of my educational journey. I just have to thank the professors and the MC² course for all the help, for each teaching, for allowing me to meet incredible people and live experiences never imagined”.

Volunteers also reported enthusiasm for the project. “Being a volunteer at Meninas na Ciência brought me gratification when I realized that I could, at the same time, be a teacher and work on a project where I teach science and help girls to better follow their paths. I grew up and learned a lot working alongside another volunteer and observing the relationship built with the students and sharing experiences. Excellent opportunity, helped me to better delineate my career. I just have to thank you!“, says Gabriel, 20 years old from São Paulo, volunteer in 2020 and already confirmed for the 2021 edition.

Registration for the 2021 edition of the MC² Course is open until the 26th of June. There are 200 vacancies, 100 for girls in the 6th and 7th years and 100 for the 8th and 9th grade of elementary school. Students must be properly enrolled in a public school.

More information and registration on the website:


Luiza Brunelli Bührer

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