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Alfredo Wagners News Online

Month: August 2021

Political chaos in Brazil favors takeovers by Communist China

It is undeniable that Brazilian politics is being conducted, with great intelligence, towards complete chaos. Chaos, whose multiple craftsmen and manipulators lead to automatically aggravate as elections approach. This chaos has only one beneficiary, which is already making acquisitions throughout…

São João Batista (SC), Riachinho (MG) and Palmeirina (PE) join the Strong Families program

The initiative proposes actions to strengthen family bonds, involving parents and children in a dynamic of encounters. With the inclusion of the three municipalities, Familias Fortes is present in 56 Brazilian cities and carries out tests for expansion in the…

Indemnities paid by insurance companies to rural producers reach R$1.7 billion

Indemnities paid by insurance companies to producers who contracted rural insurance reach R$1.7 billion in the first half of 2021 Between January and June 2021, the value of claims in rural insurance totaled R$1.7 billion, according to data from the Superintendency…

The best gift is a pillow

When you’re invited for a visit, whether it’s a housewarming party or an anniversary, the question of a gift always comes up. Giving money is trivial, but making a gift that would be necessary and useful is no longer a…

How to make money from internet tourism

What do you regret most in life? One of the first answers to this question, especially as the “mileage” in the passport increases, will be: “I would like to travel more”. And if you ALREADY do it well: traveling through…