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Average diesel price increases in early August and fuel is sold at R$ 4.829, points out Ticket Log

Average value per liter increased by 0.54% in the first days of August

The most recent survey by the Ticket Log Price Index (IPTL) points out that the average diesel price rose again in early August. With an increase of 0.54% compared to the closing of July, the fuel was found at R$ 4.829 at service stations. The S-10 diesel was sold at R$ 4.883, an increase of 0.48%.

This is the 7th consecutive increase recorded for the average diesel price by Ticket Log, which carries out the survey every two weeks”, points out Douglas Pina,  Head  of Urban Market at Edenred Brasil. In all Brazilian regions, both regular diesel and the S-10 type showed increases in the average price in early August. In the Northeast, the most significant increases were registered, 0.66% for the common type, and 0.62% for the S-10.

The highest average prices were found in the North Region, where common diesel was at R$ 5.035, and S-10 diesel at R$ 5.095. In the South, the lowest values ​​per liter were registered: the common type was sold at R$ 4.471, and the S-10 type, at R$ 4.495.

In Acre, the most expensive common diesel in the country was found, at R$ 5,777. In Paraná, the lowest average price was registered by the service stations, at R$ 4.414. The scenario in the cutout by state is the same for the S-10 diesel, sold at Acre gas stations at R$ 5,699, and at stations in Paraná, at R$ 4,418. In Ceará, the biggest increases in average prices were registered, 1.22% in the case of common diesel, and 1.11% in the S-10 type. In no Brazilian state was there any retreat in comparison with the closing of July.

The IPTL is a fuel price index based on fueling carried out at 21 thousand accredited Ticket Log service stations, which is highly reliable due to the number of vehicles managed by the brand: 1 million in all, with an average of eight transactions per second. Ticket Log, Edenred Brasil’s fleet management and mobility solutions brand, has over 30 years of experience and adapts to customer needs, offering modern and innovative solutions in order to simplify daily processes.

About Ticket Log

Ticket Log has the purpose of valuing people’s time so that they can enjoy life more and better. The brand connects people and companies through innovative and digital solutions for fleet management and mobility, available to companies of all segments and sizes, simplifying urban mobility with information and intelligence.

With more than 30 years of experience in the market and 30 thousand client companies, Ticket Log manages 1 million vehicles and almost 2.5 billion liters of fuel per year. In addition, it has an acceptance network of more than 43 thousand accredited partners, including gas stations, mechanic workshops and many other mobility services.

Ticket Log is a brand of Edenred, a global and digital services and payments company that acts as an all-hours companion for workers and companies. Leader in its segment, it connects more than 50 million users, 2 million establishments and more than 850,000 client companies in 46 countries, managing transactions of more than 7.1 billion liters of fuel per year.

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