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Justice News

Justice sets a 48-hour period for UOL to deny fake news about Luciano Hang

Documents from the Institutional Security Office of the Presidency of the Republic supported the new decision of the TJ-SC in favor of the businessman

The judge, Maria do Rocio Luz Santa Ritta, of the Court of Justice of Santa Catarina, determined on Wednesday, 18, that the UOL news site publish the entrepreneur Luciano Hang’s right of reply within 48 hours, under penalty of fine of R$ 10.000,00 (ten thousand reais) per day.

The decision was made after the judge suspended the injunction obtained by the website, in an attempt to prevent the publication of the right of reply conquered by the entrepreneur’s defense, which is made by the law firm Leal & Varasquim.

The right of reply refers to the article aired on June 22, 2021, in which the journalist, Lucas Valença, claimed that the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN) had produced a report questioning the origin of the Havan owner’s fortune. On the same day, ABIN issued an official note clarifying that it was not the author of the alleged report.

For the decision, the judge was based on the documents attached to the case for the defense of the businessman. Such as the formal consultation made to ABIN and also the report presented by the Institutional Security Office of the Presidency of the Republic (GSI), which pointed out several inconsistencies in the document used as a supposed source for the UOL’s matter.

According to the judge’s order: “the evidence produced by the press vehicle was limited, strictly speaking, to the presentation of an apocryphal report, which could, therefore, have been produced by anyone. Furthermore, despite the mention, by a senator of the Republic, of an alleged ABIN report in a conversation held via WhatsApp, the evidential weight of such statement loses strength in the presence of the document collated by the applicants, especially because the mentioned senator did not attest to the veracity of the document, nor does he claim to have been responsible for transmitting it to the defendant”, he highlighted, referring to the information passed on by senator Renan Calheiros to the journalistic team.

In short, it was proven once again that the article published about Luciano Hang was fake news, whose sole objective was to tarnish the entrepreneur’s image. The 48-hour period for disclosing the right of reply ends this Friday, 20/08.

Havan Press Office: Aline Wernke

Press office at Leal & Varasquim Advogados

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