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What is ransomware and how to protect your e-commerce from digital attacks

Not being well prepared with the security of e-commerce information can put shopkeeper and customer data hostage to criminals

Last Thursday, Lojas Renner had its data system attacked by hackers, leaving the retailer’s website and application down. The cyber attack happened through ransomware, software used by criminals to hijack a company’s data and extort the victim through a ransom demand.

The digital hijacking process happens as follows: hackers use software to retain information and encrypt the data in a unique access key. Thus, the company is held hostage by criminals to have access to this information again. The redemption amount is usually requested in cryptocurrencies, as this way there is no way to track the transaction. This type of scam is becoming increasingly common in Brazil and according to data from Sonic Wall, the increase was 62% in 2020, when compared to the previous year.

But do you know how to protect your e-commerce to prevent these intrusions? Jonathan Cardoso, CEO of Wave Commerce, a Digital Marketing Agency specialized in online commerce, reinforces some points and investments that need attention to ensure a safe website for the company and for the client.

The first one is the SSL certificate. It is a digital certificate that makes all the authenticity of a website’s identity and allows an encrypted connection. Jonathan Cardoso explains that this means a more secure layer of the site and can be checked through a small padlock in the upper left corner of the screen.

Having a secure platform is also a guarantee to prevent cybercrime. “Sometimes the retailer opts for a platform free of charge or with a very low value, and the choice can put all the company’s and customers’ data at risk. That’s why it’s important to be very careful when making a decision”, stresses Jonathan Cardoso. The platform guarantees yet another important step, that of data backup.

Anti-fraud systems are an important part of the e-commerce security process. The CEO of Wave Commerce reinforces how both parties can prevent: “The customer must buy from trustworthy sites, and to confirm this information, all they need to do is access the site’s footer and look at the certificates they have. In relation to security for the store owner, the point of greatest attention is to hire companies specialized in the anti-fraud segment.

In addition to Lojas Renner, other companies have also been attacked by ransomware. The company JBS suffered attacks that impacted its services internationally and had to pay US$11 million to hackers to have the data rescued. In Brazil, criminals tried to invade the system of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul, but the attack was contained by the agency’s technical team.

About Wave Commerce

Wave Commerce emerged in 2017 when CEOs and co- founders  Jonathan Cardoso and Analuiza Rocha left their work in large companies to specialize in e-commerce, marketplace and digital marketing projects with a focus on boosting the results of medium and medium-sized virtual stores. big companies. In three and a half years of operation, Wave Commerce has conquered big names in retail such as Safira, Hocks, Rede Bazar Sul and Continental Center. In 2020, even during the pandemic, the company managed to triple its sales and staff, and projects similar results in 2021.


Eduardo Oliveira

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