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How to make money from internet tourism

What do you regret most in life? One of the first answers to this question, especially as the “mileage” in the passport increases, will be: “I would like to travel more”.

And if you ALREADY do it well: traveling through cities, climbing mountains, photographing beautiful landscapes, describing routes and sharing impressions, then you can also earn money from all of that.

Everything new is very interesting, but sometimes it’s hard to understand where to start and where to look for information. Making Money is the same story you can discover using tips and tricks, as well as up-to-date sources with solutions to make money on YouTube travel sites, blogs and channels.

I have a lot of travel photos: how to earn money?

You can earn revenue from selling images through stock photos, both Russian and foreign. At the same time, you don’t need to start your own website.

The quality of the photos should be high, with good detail and color reproduction: today’s smartphones allow you to take these frames with subsequent processing. However, photo stocks sometimes accept “raw” RAW photos, but that’s if you took them with a camera.

Here is a list of actions where you can make money. Please read the requirements for snapshots and withdrawal conditions carefully as conditions may change.

  • Adobe Stock;
  • Shutterstock;
  • Freepik;
  • Depositphotos;
  • Creativemarket;
  • iStock;
  • Fotolia;

Beginners should try:

I’m already managing my tourism website: how can I increase my income?

Por exempo através de Programas de afiliados específicos para a área do turismo. Independentemente da plataforma CMS escolhida, na maioria das vezes as pessoas, por falta de experiência, utilizam a publicidade do Google ou Yandex com pagamento por clique.

No entanto, os cliques recebidos podem facilmente se transformar em centenas e milhares de reais se você escolher e publicar ofertas temáticas. Podem ser:

  • Serviços de pesquisa de ingressos;
  • Serviços de reserva de hotéis;
  • Serviços de seguros;
  • Compra de vouchers para sanatório;
  • Serviços de aluguel de automóveis

Este é apenas o começo da lista de oportunidades de ganhar dinheiro em sites de turismo, mesmo que seja o seu blog pessoal ou tenha criado um recurso na web com fins lucrativos e queira melhorar a eficiência da sua monetização.

TIP: Always act like a hypermarket: make sure your visitor can order and buy absolutely everything on your site. What he needs now or might need in the future.

Tourism is an area where people are relaxed. Therefore, take a close look at the design of your resource and the way it conveys information, including graphics. The more friendliness and openness, the more comfortable the person feels. This applies not only to life on the other side of the screen, but also to websites.

Where can I get up-to-date information on earning money from tourism?

Tourism is very dynamic: many factors, many investors that change each other and always new trends. It is necessary to accompany them.

Look at life with your eyes open, for the whole world is open to you!

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