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1st South Brazilian Virtual Congress of Beekeeping and Meliponiculture and 1st Symposium on Beehive Products

From  October 5th to 28th, 2021  , the  1st COSBRAPIM – South Brazilian Virtual Congress of Beekeeping and Meliponiculture  and the  1st SIMPC – Symposium on Bee Products will be held.
The three states in the Southern Region, responsible for approximately 40% of Brazil’s honey production, are together in organizing this event.
In addition to discussing policies for the sector, and the presentation of scientific papers, the event will include technical topics focused on the real needs of the producer, through lectures, workshops, short courses and round tables, with the participation of renowned speakers and industry leaders.The participation of bee breeders, technicians, students, researchers, teachers, businessmen, leaders of the beekeeping sector from several Brazilian states and neighboring countries is expected, providing opportunities for the discussion of the sector’s problems and potential, the dissemination of research and scientific work, technical knowledge and technological exchange. Thus, the main aim is to integrate and strengthen the activity in the three southern states.

  • Ivanir Cella President of the Federation of Associations of Beekeepers and Meliponiculturists of SC – FAASC
  • Marcos Aparecido Gonçalves coordinator of the Technical Chamber of Meliponiculture of the State of Paraná – CT
  • Rodrigo da Cunha Head of the Bee Studies Division of the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of SC – EPAGRI
  • José Augusto Gasparotto Sattler Professor FMU-SP/ Researcher FCF-USP
  • Aroni Sattler professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS.

1st SIMPC – Symposium on Beehive Products 

The 1st Beehive Products Symposium (SIMPC)  is an event linked to the 1st South-Brazilian Virtual Congress of Beekeeping and Meliponiculture (COSBRAPIM), where topics involving beekeeping and meliponiculture products will be discussed and presented. The Symposium will address the types of hive products and their by-products, ways of processing, chemical composition, health properties and entrepreneurship in this sector. Lectures, roundtables, workshops, presentation of scientific papers with awards for the best papers will be conducted.For many years, the southern region has had a strong representation in the national production of these products, being also the cradle of unique botanical species with high potential for production and marketing. In addition, it counts on institutions that have been working to obtain added value from these products, generating scientific knowledge through the chemical identification and health properties of these products.

We have a lot to evolve to make products from the South region known and appreciated nationally and internationally, so this event seeks the participation of beekeepers, students, technicians, and researchers to create opportunities for debates and exchange of knowledge about beekeeping and meliponiculture products.


  • Prof. Dr. José Augusto Gasparotto Sattler – Symposium Coordinator

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