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Celesc reinforces energy saving tips with support for the national campaign “Consumo Consciente Já”

Simple measures can save electricity and prevent water shortages from causing an excessive increase in electricity bills. Through periodic campaigns that warn about energy waste and encourage conscious and sustainable use, Celesc invests in guiding the population to change daily habits that impact light consumption and contribute to ensuring the supply of electricity in the parents.

Carried out annually, the Santa Catarina distributor’s energy saving campaigns are reinforced in the summer and winter seasons, when the use of domestic appliances presents high energy consumption. In 2021, these initiatives coincided with what experts consider the worst water crisis in 91 years.

Since the end of last year, the volume of rainfall recorded in some regions of the country has been below the historical average for the period, affecting water reservoirs and, consequently, hydroelectric production, requiring the activation of the thermoelectric park, which makes the production.

With the intention of joining efforts so that everyone contributes to the security of electricity supply in this delicate moment, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), the Brazilian Association of Electric Energy Distributors (Abradee) and its associates, launched the national campaign “Consumo Consciente Já“, broadcast on official Celesc channels, radio, TV and digital media, containing simple but effective tips so that the population can contribute to this important cause for all. See more information on  the  official website of the action.

Celesc asks its customers for their efforts to face this unprecedented water shortage, with the rational use of electricity. Turn off the lights in rooms where there are no people. Avoid opening and closing the refrigerator excessively. These are small actions that can collaborate a lot for the country at this time”, says president Cleicio Poleto Martins.

The federal government also announced the launch of the Voluntary Consumption Reduction Program, which will give a R$ 0.50 discount for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy volume saved within the 10% to 20% target. The comparison will be made based on the sum of consumption between September and December 2021, in comparison with the sum of the same four invoices from 2020. Once this comparison is made, if there is a reduction in consumption of 10% or more, the government will credit the discount on the January 2022 account.

Low-income people who adhere to the social tariff will also be able to participate in the incentive program for the voluntary reduction of electricity consumption. The minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque, on national television, spoke about the government’s objective. According to him, the government seeks to show consumers that energy is effectively more expensive and that by adopting a reduction in consumption now, energy may become cheaper in the future.

New habits reduce consumption

Considered of public utility, Celesc’s awareness campaigns for the conscientious use of energy were reinforced at times of the year when energy consumption is high in Santa Catarina.

With the motto “This winter, don’t get caught in a cold“, in 2021, Celesc’s winter campaign included a didactic digital booklet, which was broadcast on the company’s digital channels and social networks, containing light saving tips and guidance on to appliances that use more energy during the cold, such as heaters, hot showers and faucets, and clothes dryers.

In the last action for the summer season, the video of the awareness campaign for energy consumption was starred by three technicians and employees of Celesc, brothers and children of retired employees of the company, who shared simple tips when adjusting and monitoring electrical equipment and household appliances. Consumers also received guidance on consumption, from a simulator available on the company’s website.

Text:  Celesc Communication

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