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Agriculture News

In the South Region, the relationship between cost and marketing is very unfavorable to pig farmers

The disclosure of the production cost and sales value of live pigs in August by Embrapa’s Poultry and Swine Intelligence Center continued to present an extremely onerous market for pig farmers.

In August, the cost of production in the South Region showed an increase once again, confirming itself as the second highest value ever seen in the sector. On the other hand, in the production base, the swine producer had an evolution slightly lower than that reached in the production cost, meaning an increasing accumulation of losses.

The accumulated up to August indicates that the swine producer needed, on average, R$6.93 to produce a kg of live pig, while he obtained only R$6.26 in the marketing of the animal, meaning losses of 9.7% in the relation between the two links.

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