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Survey shows where are the farms with more digitalized management

Municipalities in the center-south region of the country lead the ranking

A survey carried out by  Aegro  – a company that develops technology for farm management – ​​shows the regions where the properties that most use digital tools for rural business management are located.

Farms in the cities of  Caarapó  (MS),  Três Pontas  (MG),  Maracaju  (MS),  Luís Eduardo Magalhães  (BA) and  Goiânia  (GO) were the ones that most used the system, considered the main agricultural management software in the market , for property management throughout the first half of 2021.

The survey covers the amount of activities carried out with the Aegro, whether by cell phone or a computer, from the agricultural routine to the administration of the property. Monitoring contemplates the effective use of the system in the full version. Aegro is currently present in 4.7 thousand farms in the country, with more than 2 million managed hectares.

The main functions used by farmers in the period were financial – such as recording accounts payable and receivable, inserting installments of financing taken, among others. There were more than 1 million records only related to farm expenses and income.

Next are agricultural activities, such as operational routines for planting, harvesting and application, with more than 400 thousand records, and the launch of items such as seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, among others (approximately 238 thousand records). Machinery supply and maintenance releases were also widely carried out by rural producers, with nearly 200,000 records in the agricultural management system.

The survey also shows that the larger the area of ​​the farm, the greater the tendency to share the use of tools available in the management system.

Farms with up to 500 hectares have an average of two people responsible for food and access to the application. In the range of up to 1,000 hectares, this average rises to three. In rural properties between 5,000 and 10,000 hectares, there are 12 users – a volume that reaches 26 when the farm has a size range above that.

The technology support was essential for the properties of the Vó Negrinha Agro group, located in São Gabriel do Oeste (MS), to  advance in the management and control of costs , increasing the profitability of the rural activity. “ We started to have a precise production cost and, with that, we were able to look at the business in a more strategic way. We know that it is difficult to reduce production costs, but we have control over the sales price of the crop and today we are already planning to get the best sales price ”, says Nino Mosena, rural producer and administrative manager of the farms.

In the ranking of cities with farms that concentrate more digitized operations, there are also Balsas (MA); Guarapuava (PR); Smile (MT); Castro (PR); Sao Paulo-SP); Uberlândia (MG); Primavera do Leste (MT); Campo Verde (MT); Garibaldi (RS); Monte Aprazível (SP); São Miguel do Guaporé (RO); Barueri (SP); Três de Maio (RS); Araguari (MG); Rio Verde (GO).

Records depart from offices

If the digitized farms are in interior cities, mainly, the records of activities and the monitoring of the property’s operational routine is not always done directly from the field, but also from the office.

In the monitoring of general use of Aegro, considering the full and free version of the agricultural management application, São Paulo (SP) is the city with the most active users of the management system (879), followed by Brasília (DF), with 768, Porto Alegre (RS) with 728, Luís Eduardo Magalhães (BA) with 621 and Goiânia (GO) with 587.

The records and monitoring of farm activities by Aegro can either be done directly from the field, even without internet access, or from the office. With the system, it is possible to trace operation routines at a distance and follow up on everything planned versus executed practically in real time.

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