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Paulo and Elis Mantovani bring the Ad Clinic franchise to the Continent and boost the local economy

It’s not just in the Ilha da Magia that concentrates quality of life and work opportunities. Living on the mainland can also be the ideal place for those looking for safe neighborhoods, infrastructure and economic growth. The area of ​​Health, Beauty and Well-being alone had revenues of approximately R$34.2 billion. Figures that encouraged the enterprising couple to open a franchise of the AD Clinic aesthetics network in Estreito, a region on the mainland.

Brazil, September 2021:  In the country, one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy is beauty, well-being, cosmetics and aesthetics, which in the last 10 years alone moved more than 101 billion reais, according to data from the Brazilian Association of Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics Industry (ABIHPEC).

The market in the area is really promising in the country, data from the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF) indicate that Brazil is the third largest market for aesthetics and beauty, behind only the United States and Japan.

Thus, this market is increasing more and more, moving aesthetic clinics, beauty salons, spas, and also the professionalization of people who perform these very special treatments. Also according to the Brazilian Association of Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics Industry (ABIHPEC) the sector grew by around 567%, involving more than 480 thousand professionals. In the franchise business, in the area of ​​Health, Beauty and Well-being, it had revenues of approximately R$34.2 billion last year.

Even with the pandemic, the sector continued to prosper and boost entrepreneurship in Florianópolis. According to the Entrepreneurial Cities Index, ”Floripa” is the second most entrepreneurial city in Brazil. When analyzing the item innovation, it appears in first place. Also, according to the Santa Catarina Board of Trade (Jucesc), which is in conjunction with the State Secretariat for Sustainable Economic Development (SDE), 62,545 new companies were opened in the first half of 2021, surpassing the same period by more than 50%. in 2020.

Paulo and Elis Custódio Mantovani are included in this research. They will open a franchise of the AD Clinic aesthetics network in October in Bairro Estreito and will be one of the strategic units in the brand’s expansion plan, which intends to end the year with 200 stores in operation across the country.

We want to provide an experience of well-being and beauty to our customers, differentiate ourselves in this field by providing excellent service with state-of-the-art equipment. In addition to providing competitive prices to foster the local economy with the ‘Tempo Beleza’ proposal that advocates the Ad Clinic, this was one of the main reasons for our choice of the franchise“, comments the couple, Paulo and Elis.

The clinic, which now has more than 100 procedures, will open in the first half of October and promises to provide body and facial treatments, always aiming at self-care and health for its clients.

One of the differentials presented by the unit is the Facial Harmonization, which aims to provide a more harmonious face and enhance beauty even more. Another technology will be the Led Hair Removal, which acts directly on the hair follicle without irritating the skin, and meets all phototypes, a technology that won the market.

Over time, more and more procedures are emerging to meet people’s need to take care of themselves. Data from the Credit Protection Service (SPC) showed that six out of ten people say they are vain and more than 60% consider that taking care of beauty is not a luxury in itself, but a necessity. Of these, more than half expressed that spending money to improve their physical appearance is worthy of investment, even more so with the contemplative feeling after a procedure performed.

Expectations are high, as in 2020, the year in which almost all businesses suffered from the restrictions, the beauty sector earned more than in 2019, with an increase of 7.5%, and last year generated a profit of R$3.2 billion reais.

On social networks, the couple will offer exclusive treatments with different pre-opening prices. See more information below:


Address:  Rua General Eurico Gaspar Dutra, 916

Estreito Neighborhood – Florianopolis/SC


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Facebook: /adclinic.floripacontinente

Cla Cri ComClaudia Cristina

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