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Alfredo Wagners News Online

Month: October 2021

Farm robbers are detained on BR 282 in Rancho Queimado

The two men are 20 years old and already have other experiences with theft PRF/SC An anonymous tip led federal highway police officers this morning to arrest two men who had just robbed a farm in Rancho Queimado. The accuser…

Gente Catarina: Government invests R$ 3.5 million to select fellows who will work in the program to combat inequality

The Gente Catarina program, recently launched by the State Government, continues to advance with actions to raise the Human Development Index (HDI) in the municipalities with the lowest indicators. Now, the Foundation for Research and Innovation Support of the State…

The Blue Sky Through Balcony Protection Nets

by Taly Cohen March 2020. First quarantine decreed in the state of São Paulo. The metropolis that never sleeps was restless. The energetic subway stations and cars were faced with the tormenting silence of doubt. Without really understanding and afraid of the unknown,…