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Alô Saúde Floripa, by TopMed, is the theme of the Global Summit Telemedicine – Digital Health

Structured before the Covid-19 pandemic, the Alô Saúde Floripa service, which has more than 500,000 active users, placed the capital of Santa Catarina ahead of other cities in the country in the use of telehealth. Care coordinated by TopMed made it possible for 51.2% of people who intended to seek on-site urgent and emergency services to have their case resolved in the screening of telephone care by the nursing staff. Unpublished data from the case will be presented on Tuesday, 9th, at 4:20 pm, at the Global Summit Telemedicine – Digital Health

The city of Florianópolis (SC) was highlighted for being the first in the country to have a structured distance healthcare service right at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020. This was possible because long before the pandemic was enacted , the Florianópolis City Hall already believed in this solution. After winning a long bidding process, TopMed, a company that, in 2021, completes 15 years of experience in telehealth and telemedicine, implemented, together with the Clinical Management of the Municipal Health Department, the Alô Saúde Floripa, a service that brings together 573,755 users active. The service was responsible for 182,302 assistances until September 2021 and gained approval from 88% of the people served.

With its pioneering spirit and broad expertise, TopMed is one of the highlights of the Global Summit Telemedicine – Digital Health 2021 program. In a lecture by Dr. Cristina Broilo, Head of Telemedicine and Digital Health at TopMed, the company from Santa Catarina will present, on Tuesday, 9th. , at 4:20 pm, the main results of the case “Hello Saúde Floripa – Consolidating access and incorporating digital health in the SUS” . In addition to the physician Cristina Broilo, the physicians from the Municipal Health Department of Florianópolis, who work in the management of Alô Saúde Floripa, participate in the same panel: Fernanda Melchior, technical responsible for Alô Saúde Floripa, and Ronaldo Zonta, coordinator of the Department of Clinical Management of the SMS/Florianópolis-SC. The complete schedule is available at

The partnership between TopMed and the City of Florianópolis

At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the service quickly ended up adapting to the new demand – very different from what was projected for the initial volume. At this time, the partnership between TopMed and the City of Florianópolis were decisive in the success of the new reality. One enabler was the fact that the project was based on the best evidence and clinical guidelines – adjusting volume without taking the focus off pandemic management in the municipality. As a result, Florianópolis came out ahead in relation to other cities and TopMed’s experience was essential for the success of the service, as demonstrated by the indicators.

In all calls, there is a question about what the user would do if the service did not exist. This intention of his is compared to the actual outcome for his case. In this comparison, it was identified a reduction of 51.2% in visits to services of the urgency and emergency network compared to the actual guidance given to the user. This means that 5 out of 10 people who intended to seek emergency face-to-face services had their case resolved in the telephone service triage by the nursing staff and did not need to run the risk of contagion and transmission of Covid-19 and other diseases in hospitals and emergency rooms . “This represents more safety for the patient, easier access, quality of care and cost reduction for the public health system in Florianópolis“, Says Cristina.

In addition, in 2021, Alô Saúde Floripa also assumed responsibility for scheduling the exams of all patients who were identified as suspects by the nursing team being screened by the service. This led to a 25% decrease in demand on the face-to-face network. “The indicators of Alô Saúde Floripa are a reflection of differentiated care throughout the patient’s journey”, in Cristina’s opinion. She explains that the patient calls with a complaint and receives much more than a referral or referral. Nurses provide care using not only their knowledge, but also the support of TopMed’s clinical algorithms technological platform. 24 hours later, he makes a return contact to find out how he is doing, reassess the clinical picture and confirms whether the case has been resolved. “That’s why I say: this is not just a remote service. It is a healthcare service – regardless of the distance where the patient is located” – adds Cristina.

About TopMed – Founded in 2006, TopMed is a company in the digital health segment that offers solutions in the areas of telehealth and telemedicine, with a business model focused on the B2B market. It serves operators and self-management, public sector, corporate, insurance companies and others. In the private sector, more than 4 million lives are currently assisted by its solutions, which are focused on better allocation of health resources in organizations and the democratization of access to health.


Global Summit Telemedicine & Digital Health 2021
TopMed Panel – Hello Health Floripa – Consolidating distance access and incorporating digital health in the SUS – November 9th, at 4:20 pm

SENSU Communication Consulting – Yara Rocca

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