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Fapesc selects applied research project for software development for SC firefighters

Santa Catarina’s Science, Technology and Innovation Institutions can now enter their proposals in the notice 45/2021 of the Foundation for Research and Innovation Support of the State of Santa Catarina (Fapesc), which supports applied research for the development of management, control and evaluation software teaching for the Military Fire Department of Santa Catarina (CBMSC). The winning proposal will receive funding of R$ 243 thousand and will have a period of up to 18 months to be executed. The deadline ends on December 3rd.

The values ​​include two grants for technological and industrial development, for higher-education professionals, and a grant for securing and training human resources, aimed at mid-level professionals who are regularly enrolled in higher education courses.

Launched by Fapesc, with the collaboration of CBMSC, the notice intends to help the innovation and integration of instruction and teaching systems in a single software, providing greater flexibility, transparency, assertiveness and data security, in the control and evaluation service of teaching at corporation, thus collaborating with the improvement in the quality of the services provided.

Proposals can be submitted on the FAPESP platform until December 3, 2021. The final result will be announced by January 31, 2022.

Fapesc’s Science Research and Research manager, Deborah Bernett, points out that the notice supports applied research activities, thus bringing science, technology and innovation (CTI) to solve society’s challenges. “It is an innovative and very important public notice that will contribute a lot to the services offered by the Fire Department to society. We believe that the CTI is an extremely important vector for the development of the state, including in the area of ​​public security”, he says.

According to the director of the CBMSC Instruction and Teaching Directorate, Colonel Helton de Souza Zeferino, the notice seeks to meet an old demand for the management of teaching activities. “The notice comes at an excellent time and the expectation is the best possible, so that the Fire Department will soon have under its coordination, its own education management system, tailored to its needs, and which obviously seeks excellence in the quality of the education offered to the members of the corporation”, he emphasizes.

The notice is part of the #Fapesc@Gov+Pesquisa&Inovação Program, which aims to take science and innovation actions to public agencies in the State. This is the second public call launched in partnership with the Fire Department this semester. The first aimed to carry out other applied research for the development of a modular training vehicle.

Follow all Fapesc’s notices with open enrollment at .


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