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DMCard injects BRL 300 million in credit into the market on the eve of Black Friday

190,000 customers will benefit from the increase in the credit limit on financial products offered, such as store cards, DMCard Mastercard cards and personal loans

Following the opposite path in the industry, DMCard will increase the purchasing power of 190,000 customers of the financial products offered by the company, such as the supermarket store card, the DMCard Mastercard credit card and the personal loan. In all, R$300 million in credit will be injected into the market at once, in November, on the eve of Black Friday. An action that mainly serves the public with lower purchasing power, the institution’s main target audience.

We have already carried out major credit contribution actions like this one, in previous years, but always close to Christmas. This is the first time that we anticipate that this increase in purchasing power will also benefit consumers on other important dates such as Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. Therefore, this is also our record for the amount of credit released simultaneously”, says Tharik Moura, Strategic Director and CFO of DMCard.

The company’s decision, as well as the growth statistics each year show, confirms how the Black Friday tradition has gained popularity and leveraged the purchase intention in this period, in Brazil. This time, the increase in purchasing power will have an impact on the market and the purchasing behavior of these customers, from now on to the fullest tables at the end-of-the-year parties.

A joint survey by the National Confederation of Store Managers (CNDL), the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil) and Sebrae, released at the end of last August, shows that credit cards are one of the most used forms of payment by consumers in the country. , reaching 52% for online purchases (53% of sales are installment sales).

And the preference for using this credit format grows on Black Friday. A study presented by Adtail, requested by DMCard to define its strategies, shows that, in the same period last year, 74% of payments were made by credit card.

Dependence on consumer credit

With the uncertainty of continuity of emergency aid and the challenging economic scenario that continues to extend, consumers end up relying more and more on credit to maintain their purchasing power, including for basics such as supplying the home pantry.

This is what the statistics recorded by DMCard show in the movement of supermarket cards that it manages, which is still its main financial product in the credit granted by the institution.

By the end of the third quarter of this year, R$2.8 billion in payments on supermarket cards managed by DMCard had already been handled. In addition to a new record for the company, compared to the same period last year, the amount also represents a record growth of 39.5%. In contrast to the use of DMCard store cards, the IBGE points out that sales in general (all forms of payment) at the supermarket, in the same period, registered a drop of -3%.

In addition, consumers’ search for new supermarket cards, which, last year, had already registered accelerated growth, was also a record in the same period, growing 61%, with more than 1.8 million proposals received.

With the injection of credit, we should maintain aggressive growth until the end of the year, setting a new record in 12 months and above our annual average, which has been 35%”, concludes Moura.

About DMCard Group

DMCard was created in 2002 as a private label credit card administrator (the store card), a sector in which it is the market leader and has grown an average of 35% per year over the last nine years, surpassing the 4.2 mark million cards issued and 1 million active cards. Currently, it is present in 3,620 points of sale throughout Brazil.

Since 2019, it began to expand its portfolio of financial products by offering branded credit cards, digital accounts and credit lines, undergoing a transition in its business model and, today, it acts as a group of financial products aimed at granting credit .

In addition, it has also become an expert in retail innovation through the most advanced technologies, most of them through in-house development, and has a team of experts in data science to increasingly offer better products and services to customers.

People have always been a priority at DMCard. The internal evaluation by the E-NPS (Employee Net Promoter Score), an indicator that measures how much employees rate the company as a good place to work, achieved an excellent result with a satisfaction index of 93rd. In addition, on the Glassdoor platform, the company is rated 4.7 (on a scale of zero to five), which places it on a similar or even higher score than the largest and most desirable employers in the country.

In addition to the internal public, it also has excellent levels of customer satisfaction. DMCard has the RA1000 seal and a satisfaction rating in the call center service of 94 and NPS () currently of 74, rates that show a commitment to also offer the best service to our partners and customers.

DMCard has transformed itself into a great platform for inclusive financial services. To enhance the capacity to serve its customers, whether retailers (B2B) or end consumers (B2C), the group has been following an acquisition and investment agenda for some years.

Currently, among the group companies are DMCard SA, DMCard SCD (financial products aimed at granting credit), DMCard Means of Payment (accreditation of establishments), DMCard Securitizadora (focused on raising financial resources), DMCard Ltda and Infocards.

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