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SC government prohibits open-air event with over 500 people agglomeration

The Carlos Moisés government ordinance, released this Tuesday, 30, prohibits outdoor events that cause crowds of more than 500 people in Santa Catarina.

The Ordinance is published after an alert for the new variant of the coronavirus, the omicron, with two cases already preliminarily confirmed in Brazil, according to Anvisa.

The government clarifies that ordinance 1035 comes to expand care against the micron, especially with the most vulnerable people. Establishments and organizations that promote events must follow the Safe Event protocol and widely publicize preventive measures to Covid-19 in all communication channels.

The Safe Event protocol, regulated by state decree 1371, provides for large-scale events that bring together more than 500 people.

The new ordinance prohibits the holding of concerts, festivals, musical performances and other large-scale public events outdoors that cause agglomerations  or that  have an estimated participation of more than 500 people  and  are unable to implement  public access control points to fulfill the Insurance Event.

Check out the rules that must be disclosed by event organizers:

  • mandatory use of mask;
  • persons 18 years of age or older, requirement to present proof of complete vaccination against Covid-19 or a report containing a “negative, non-reactive or not detected” result of RT-qPCR exam in the last 72 hours or of an Antigen Survey for SARS -Cov-2 in the last 48 hours;
  • people from 12 to 17 years of age, requirement to present proof of vaccination with registration of at least one dose of vaccine against Covid-19 or a report containing a “negative, non-reactive or not detected” result of the RT-qPCR test;
  • for children under 12 years of age, proof of vaccination or testing will not be required, as long as they are accompanied by parents or guardians, staying in spaces without crowding.

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