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Appétit Delivery expands operations in Rio Grande do Sul

Food delivery franchises are already present in 13 cities in Rio Grande do Sul and on the border with Uruguay. In the country, the goal is to close the year with units in up to 150 municipalities.

Since 2018, the Appétit Delivery application has been adding good results, building customer loyalty, winning franchisees and placing more and more flags on the Brazilian map. Rio Grande do Sul is one of the states with the highest growth of the brand. Thirteen cities already have the platform. In addition, this semester, the chain opened two units on the border with Uruguay, in the cities of Santana do Livramento and Jaguarão. “We recently entered Pernambuco and are with special strength in Rio Grande do Sul, which received the Appétit Delivery franchise very well”, confirms Juliano Matias, one of the company’s partners.

Benício and Márcio Rodrigues do Nascimento are brothers and have jointly managed, for a year and a half, the units in Guaíba, Eldorado do Sul, Arroio dos Ratos, Barra do Ribeiro and, more recently, the Appétit Delivery in the city of Tapes as well. “We researched franchises a lot and what caught our attention was the way in which the brand was advertised. Marketing is powerful, in addition to cashback, which is excellent. We are in five cities, but our dream is to open other units not only in the country, but also outside Brazil, across borders. We have to think outside the box. We have a licensed platform that allows us to go far. Imagine when you arrive in Europe!”, says, with optimism, Benício. The brothers are mechanical engineers and have not left the profession aside, as working with the franchise allows for the organization of time and, with the double shift, in the case of them and many of the franchisees, more profit.

The cashback mentioned by Benício has differentiated Appétit from other food delivery franchises. Since its birth until July this year, the brand has already distributed R$700,000 in credit, or nearly R$200,000 per year. It’s not a discount coupon; the model offers the user a percentage back on credit so it can be used on a next purchase. The advantage also applies to those who refer the app to a friend.


Appétit Delivery chooses to place the brand in smaller cities, with up to 150 thousand inhabitants, bypassing the competition of mega-companies, generally aimed at large centers. The company, which was born in Cascavel, in western Paraná, is spread throughout the country, almost from Oiapoque to Chuí. There are units, for example, in Amazonas. The franchise is one of the fastest growing in Brazil, present in 13 Brazilian states, and expects to close the year serving 150 cities. The application has 3,400 registered establishments and more than 1.5 thousand couriers in operation.

The Appétit Delivery platform was developed by Rhede Sistemas, an information technology (IT) company from Paraná with 27 years of experience and which has always had the development of management systems as its business, and the franchise guarantees support to new entrepreneurs. Appétit was born in Cascavel, also in Paraná.


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