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Google for Education Reference School: Colégio Bom Jesus de Florianópolis earns certification

International recognition reinforces the quality of teaching at the unit, which maintains technological qualification as one of its priorities, even before the pandemic

The  College Bom Jesus Heart of Jesus , in Florianópolis (SC), is now recognized as a Google Reference School for Education. With this achievement, the unit becomes part of the global group of educational institutions that use active and modern methodologies, with educational technologies such as Google Workspace for Education and Chromebooks, to provide excellent teaching, more interactive and collaborative.

For recognition, 23 teachers and  trainees  were certified. The manager of the College, Raphael Branco, says that the search for technological transformation is intrinsic to Grupo Educacional Bom Jesus units, and that teacher training and student preparation were already part of the routine, even before the pandemic surprised everyone. . An example of this is the Innovation Space, which was structured at the end of 2019 (the Space is a room whose environment is similar to Google’s facilities: its furniture and IT equipment encourage interaction between occupants and facilitate learning).

With the tools and technological knowledge in hand, the role of students and teachers is redefined: students are the protagonists of this exchange of knowledge and teachers become provocative guides, a process that Google recognizes as an “intuitive study”. All this proposal makes the College’s classrooms more dynamic, interesting and creative, with education 4.0, becoming differentiated spaces for teaching and learning. The year 2020 was marked by the importance of this structure and by the constant improvement in technological levels. Technologies ensure greater mobility, independence and interactivity between teacher and student.

Raphael believes that being recognized as a Google for Education Reference School brings a huge gain to Colégio Bom Jesus Coração de Jesus. “We gained in teaching quality, as there is more interactivity and proximity between the student and the teacher, and between the student and the school as a whole”, comments the unit manager. Another example of technological revolution at the College is the fact that teachers are always encouraged to learn more about the new tools, since students are already more used to them.

In the entire Grupo Educacional Bom Jesus, which has 36 schools in five Brazilian states, five units are already recognized by Google for Education. In Santa Catarina, the units  Colégio Bom Jesus Itajaí,  Bom Jesus Pedra Branca, in Palhoça, and  Bom Jesus Santo Antônio, in Blumenau, are already recognized as Google Reference Schools for Education. In Florianópolis, Bom Jesus Coração de Jesus  received the most recent recognition. In Paraná, Colégio Bom Jesus Lourdes is the Group’s certified school in the state.

Check  the profiles of Colégios Bom Jesus published in the Google global directory on this link .

Bom Jesus Educational Group

The result of an innovative pedagogical proposal that values ​​Franciscan humanist ideals, Grupo Educacional Bom Jesus invests in comprehensive and quality training, being nationally recognized for its excellence in Early Childhood Education, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Education. Owner of the brands Colégio Bom Jesus and FAE (FAE Centro Universitário and FAE Business School), the Group operates in five Brazilian states, being a source of credibility and pioneering spirit in education for over 120 years.

The College Bom Jesus offers complete training, from kindergarten to high school with units located in the states of Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul. The FAE University Center is present in the states of Parana and Santa Catarina and has more than 20 undergraduate courses. The FAE Business School offers more than 50 lato sensu specialization courses, MBA programs, one of which is semi-international or international, executive education and in-company programs, with targeted and personalized courses for companies and executives.

The Graduate Program at FAE provides students with flexible schedules and exclusive methodologies to obtain the best results for their lives. Having as its main motto “your business is you”, FAE considers that investing in a career, in studies, in constant improvement, acquiring, transforming and improving skills, is a pressing need for success. The concept of  lifelong learning  is present, placing the student as a protagonist in problem solving.

Learn more about Grupo Educacional Bom Jesus brands. Access:

Literal LinkMara Andrich

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