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Chapecó to open new innovation center

The sustainable development has 15 thousand square meters and space for 50 companies to operate

The city of Chapecó is even more technology-oriented with the new Innovation Center, CIAD Downtown . A partnership between the Associação Polo Tecnológico do Oeste Catarinense – DEATEC and the Associação Catarinense de Tecnologia (ACATE) , the initiative aims to expand the innovative and entrepreneurial culture throughout the state, strengthening the Santa Catarina ecosystem. The site has 15 thousand square meters, with space for 50 companies, and a large structure to house projects and programs. The inauguration will be open to the public and will take place on December 8th at 7:30 pm, along with the 2021 Featured Entrepreneur Election in Technology.

This is the biggest ACATE Innovation Center in the state. The structure comprises a 14-story building and another four-story annex building. The project’s differential is its structure, which is entirely sustainable, with rainwater harvesting and solar energy panels. The space will have two floors for coworking, in addition to auditoriums and rooms for companies to occupy. In addition, it will have two floors of apartments for Airbnb and a helipad. The structure is in operation and is located on Avenida Getúlio Dorneles Vargas, in downtown Chapecó, and already has 15 companies operating there.

For Iomani Engelmann, president of ACATE, it is necessary that all regions of Santa Catarina are part of the innovation ecosystem. “In this way, we will be able to consolidate the state as a reference in the technology sector. The West has a differentiated economic matrix and has been developing a lot in recent years, the technology needs this pulsating movement”, he says.

This is the second ACATE Innovation Center in the city, which has had the ACATE/DEATEC Innovation Center (CIAD ONE) since November last year. The space concentrates the administrative headquarters of the pole and several associated companies.

The technology center in the West of SC today brings together around 130 member companies and this new Center comes to meet this growing demand for innovation and technology in the region. We hope that the project will have a 30% growth in the number of members and boost the economic and social development of our city and region”, says Darlan Segalin, President of Deatec.

In addition, Chapecó recently joined Rede MIDITEC, an incubator that helps entrepreneurs develop innovative businesses, whose methodology is being implemented at IncTech. In October, workshops were held with the incubated startups.

ACATE currently has four Innovation Centers in Greater Florianópolis, they are: CIA Downtown, CIA Primavera, CIA Sapiens Parque, CIA ACATE – São José, in addition to SOHO, accredited to the Florianópolis Innovation Network. And two Centers in Chapecó with DEATEC, CIAD One and CIAD Downtown.

Deatec ACATE Day

  • What: CIAD One Opening Cafe
  • When: December 8th at 8:30 am
  • Where: CIAD ONE – Av. Getúlio Dorneles Vargas, 4135, Chapecó – SC
  • How Much: Free
  • What: CIAD Downtown Opening Cocktail and 2021 Featured Entrepreneur Election
  • When: December 8th at 7:30 pm
  • Where: CIAD Downtown – Avenida Getúlio Dorneles Vargas, 1183N, Chapecó, SC
  • How Much: Free

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