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Young Programmer Promotes Hackathon to Foster Innovation

With the objective of testing the challenges they will face in the professional market, such as innovation, teamwork, in addition to resilience in general, the Young Programmer program, a partnership of Seprosc (Union of Information Technology, Data Processing and Technology Companies of Information from the State of Santa Catarina) with Senac SC, will carry out a virtual Hackathon, from December 11th to 18th, in 13 cities of Santa Catarina. During a week of immersion, applicants will have to solve problems, with the support of mentors from the supporting companies.

There are eight axes (areas) where young people will work to solve problems, which were developed by Senac SC analysts: Environment and Health; Educational and Social Development; Management and Business; Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure; Production, Culture and Design; Safety; Food Production and Education. All areas have the expertise of Senac SC.

The opening of the Hackathon will take place online, this Saturday (11) from 9 am, with a lecture by Professor Gabriel de Borba, who will talk about the challenges of the professional of the future. Senac SC’s YouTube will make the broadcast, which will be open to the general public. As a result, preparatory workshops take place and, during the next week, the solution is built, with the support of the mentors. “We have more than 60 mentors who will be online, available to be called, to clarify doubts, to guide the work,” said Márcio Amaral, coordinator of the Systems Analysis and Development course at Faculdade Senac Joinville.

The top two in each axis will make their final presentation on December 18th, which will also be open to the public online. In addition to the learning absorbed, the Hackathon will award the three best teams with tablets, virtual assistants and computer equipment. In each participating city, the groups that are more assiduous, that is, participate in the workshops, meet the deadlines, will also be recognized.

For the creators of Young Programmer, a Hackathon at the end of a semester of classes is an opportunity for students to face a challenge that will be very similar to those they will encounter during their career. “Young people who graduate from the Young Programmer Program are facing a new profession, a different way of thinking, of being masters of machines, of developing algorithms that can change people’s lives. And nothing better to challenge your creative abilities as a Hackathon”, emphasized Carlos José Pereira, director of Seprosc and president of the commission that created the Young Programmer Program.

Young programmer

The Young Programmer was created at the beginning of 2021 and aims to qualify low-income young people, who are studying from the first year of high school, in the area of ​​computer programming, to work in companies in the State of Santa Catarina. About 400 young people are benefiting from the first edition. In all, there are more than 440 hours of classes for the training of programmers, divided into three phases, which are expected to end at the end of the first semester of 2022.

The Young Programmer is an initiative of Seprosc, in partnership with Senac SC, responsible for the education area, with support from Seinflo (Union of Informatics Companies of Greater Florianópolis), Communitech (Union of Data Processing and Informatics Companies of Joinville ), Acate (Santa Catarina Association of Technology) and Fecam (Santa Catarina Federation of Municipalities).

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