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A night to keep in the memory and in the heart

Alfredians gathered at Praça da Bandeira

Photo credits and text: ASCOM

This is how the opening of Alfredo Wagner’s Enchanted Christmas can be defined, which took place on the night of Friday, 10. The Christmas magic influenced the population, which showed up in large numbers at Praça da Bandeira José de Campos and made the party happen. With a vastly superior audience than expected, the spectacle of art, light, colors, music and dance enchanted the little ones and adults alike.

The special program included a concert by the singer Bia Barros and band, a musical presentation of the Musical Fantasy, Christmas concert with the Municipal Choir of Alfredo Wagner, the arrival of the Santa Claus, with delivery of the key to the city, turning on the Christmas lights, a food court, tributes, distribution of toys and, above all, , a lot of emotion.

For the secretary of Tourism, Culture and Youth, Juliano Quevendo, one of the organizers of Natal Encantado, this was just a demonstration of the strength, unity and resilience of our people. “ Having a Christmas of this size is a great dream, as Alfredo Wagner deserves the best we can offer. But this dream only became real with the full support of the population and the dedication of a large work team ” – he said.

The Christmas festivities continue: the lighting inaugurated yesterday remains on and with a beautiful decoration, and next Saturday, the 18th, from 9 am to 4 pm, we will have a Family and Children’s Fair, with the sale of items from local producers, recreation and toys for the children, free lunch (feijoada) and great live music at Praça da Bandeira José de Campos.

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