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Search for family biographies grows 30% in one year

According to book advisor, this type of work is an important tool to rescue traditions in future generations of families

Who has never been curious to know the origin of your family? How was the life of the ancestors? Or did you want to honor grandparents or parents by recording their trajectories? This is possible through family books. A segment of the publishing market that is gaining more and more importance, family books are the result of a work to rescue values ​​and memories for future generations. With the pandemic and the fear of losing loved ones and their stories, the demand for family books grew.

The publications of family books are usually for their internal consumption, which leads to a circulation adapted for each case, which can start from 10 books and reach 500 or more copies. According to book advisor Eduardo Villela, who advises people on the construction and publication of their works, family books are important instruments to keep the legacy of a generation alive. “I usually say that the book is a living document of what the person or family is and lived, as it brings together in its pages the lessons and contribution of a person or group to the world. When you choose to portray your own path or that of your family, you can very positively influence the path of future generations in your family. Each family has its own values ​​and customs, such as beliefs, way of being, eating habits, etc. Recording all this in a book is of great value for the education and learning of children, teenagers and young people in a family”, explains Villela.

In addition to reporting the trajectories and curiosities of people or groups, books of this type can tell the story of the place where that person or family lived. This report can often be confused with the history of a neighborhood or even a city. The inclusion of old photographs is also interesting to illustrate these stories and adds an additional charm to the work.

Eduardo Villela  is a  Book Advisor and advises people, families and companies in writing and publishing their books. She has been working with writing and publishing books since 2004. She has already released more than 600 books on various topics, including behavior and psychology, management, business, university students, technicians, humanities, general interest, biographies/autobiographies, family books and children’s fiction -juvenile and adult.

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