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1961 -December 29- 2021 – Alfredo Wagner, 60 years of emancipation

Alfredo Wagner, located in the Serra Catarinense, celebrates today its 60 years of political emancipation. We are still a new city, but our history is old. Let’s say very old. So old that time is not measured properly, but what remains of this time is kept very carefully by the guardian of our history, Eng. Altair Wagner, creator of the Museu da Lomba Alta.

Petrified, a prehistoric palm tree remains, thus recording an era gone by. The piece is at the Lomba Alta Archeology Museum  and was taken from Passo da Limeira.

After the petrified palm tree, there is a fossil of messosaurus showing that our municipality was already a gateway to other living beings in remote antiquity.

Passage, here is the fundamental of the Alfredo vocation and the Xoklengs made use of this attribute, going up and down paths that are unknown today. Of them, only arrowheads, stone axes, and a few utensils remained, all very well preserved in the Lomba Alta Archeology Museum.

In this summary of our History, we arrive quickly, crossing the times, to the imperial period of Brazil, where these lands, then passage between Desterro and Lages of troops and muleteers, cargoes and freighters, were the object of a decree with the initials of the Emperor Dom Pedro II and signed by Luiz Pereira do Couto Ferraz and which can be read in the table below or on the website of the Chamber of Deputies .

Decree No. 1,266, of November 8, 1853

Create a Military Colony on the road connecting Villa de S. José with that of Lages in the Province of Santa Catharina.

     I would like to Crear on the road that connects the town of S. José with that of Lages, in the Province of Santa Catharina, a military colony, which will be provisionally governed by the Regulation issued by Decree n. 820 of September 12, 1851 For the military colony Leopoldina. Luiz Pedreira do Coutto Ferraz, from My Council, Minister Secretary of State for Business of the Empire, so have understood and have it carried out. Palace of Rio de Janeiro on November 8, 1853, 32nd of Independence and Empire.

With the initials of His Majesty the Emperor.

Luiz Pedreira do Coutto Ferraz.

With this decree the official history of this municipality begins.

Our history is very rich and is taking its first steps because there is a lot to discover. Little is studied about the Santa Thereza Military Colony, the location had more than 500 residents, figured in the publication that the Imperial Government made for the World Exposition in the United States. When an easier way to reach Lages was found, it, the Colony, began to decay as the muleteers changed their route. After a period of decay and oblivion, today Catuíra, as the former military colony is known today, presents itself as a dormitory in the administrative, commercial and political center of Alfredo Wagner.

Finally, let us remember Law No. 806 of December 21, 1961 creating the municipality of Alfredo Wagner:

Deputy João Estilavet Pires President of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Santa Catarina, in accordance with the provisions of ….. of the State Constitution, makes it known that the Legislative Assembly has decreed and I promulgate the following law: 

Art. 1 – In accordance with Resolution nº 5/61, of December 20, 1961, of the Municipality of Bom Retiro, the Municipality of “Alfredo Wagner” was created.

Art. 2 – The Municipality of Alfredo Wagner will be composed of the territories of the districts of Barracão and Catuíra (…)

Art. 3º – The Municipality of Alfredo Wagner will belong to the District of Bom Retiro. establishing its headquarters in the current district of Barracão, which is now called Alfredo Wagner.

In these 60 years of emancipation, a lot has been done by its residents. The integration between all the communities that make up the municipality is the main thing.

We hope that our dear Alfredo Wagner adds to this anniversary many others and that his people value its history, preserving, researching, discovering its riches.

And to celebrate, let’s hear the Municipal Anthem played by OSSCA – Symphonic Orchestra of Santa Catarina


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