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2021 – the year that changed Alfredo Wagner’s history

Alfredo Wagner’s story is made up of many stages, many periods. We have already commented on this fact here in the Jornal Alfredo Wagner Online .

We can say that 2021 started a new stage, the continuity of which will depend, and a lot, on several factors, but especially on the political will of its inhabitants.

2021 was a very positive year for Alfredo Wagner. We will dedicate to Alfredo Wagner in Revista – Diamond Jubilee 1961/2021 4th edition especially on this theme.

The public administration, which took over in January 2021, kept the coalitions in effect during the elections, favoring the unity and tranquility needed to run the city well.

The persecution of losing political opponents, so common in past eras, gave way to conciliation and collaboration, demonstrating the goodwill of the Gilmar and Jaison Administration, winner in the 2020 elections.

Many works were carried out in this period, contemplating all the people of Alfred, without party preferences.

The most important work, which the previous administration took more than 5 years to complete, was the construction of the bridges at Passo da Limeira and São Wendolino, important means of access for the people of Alfredo.

Collaboration with the State Government and the Federal Government was also essential for several projects, especially the almost total vaccination of Alfredo Wagner’s population. The third dose of the vaccine has already started and is expected to continue in January 2022, protecting and saving lives.

Several projects are already underway, such as the helipad at the Hospital, the future seat of the City Hall, the Military Police barracks, etc., signaling changes in the configuration of Alfredo Wagner’s center.

The shift of political influence to the interior, leaving the old “Barracão” policy behind, has only benefited the municipality, as new values ​​are on the agenda of municipal leaders.

This moment of change is historic and when we write about the municipality’s 75 years, 15 years from now, we will be able to more accurately assess the benefits and advantages for Alfredo Wagner.

Until then, a lot of water will flow through the rivers and streams of Alfredo, and it will be up to future voters to maintain or not the continuity of change.

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