News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online

Year: 2021

Tornado in the Midwest of Santa Catarina: 100% of the electrical system is restored

After four days of intense work, the electrical system that feeds the Midwest of Santa Catarina was fully restored this Tuesday night (06/01). In the region hit by a tornado and strong storms last Friday (28), 13 municipalities were left…

“Brazil seems to have given up protecting itself” says a specialist who warns of a new wave of Covid-19, worse than the previous ones

The Brazilian government should be attuned to these studies, monitoring the health situation in Brazil, and providing the people with relevant information about the real health situation of the moment. Unfortunately… Analysts at the University of Maryland created an analysis methodology in which…

Health anticipates vaccination of education workers and authorizes immunization of the general population by age

The objective of the measure is to accelerate the rate of vaccination across the country The Ministry of Health anticipated vaccination against covid-19 for education workers. In addition, the Pasta authorizes the immunization of the general population in decreasing order of…

Justice determines that Youtube reactivates Luciano Hang’s video

Video with more than 2.5 million views was taken off the air by the platform, without any justification The judge of law Gilberto Gomes de Oliveira Junior, of the Civil Court of the District of Brusque (SC), determined this Thursday…

ADE Granfpolis Launches Leadership Development Program for Education Professionals

To encourage self-knowledge and the strengthening of leadership skills, the Education Development Arrangement (ADE) Granfpolis launched the Liderar program, aimed at municipal education secretaries and other professionals in the sector. “We exercise leadership at home, in the workplace and with friends….