News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online

Year: 2021

Onion production may collapse in the 2022 harvest

Deputy Peninha asks Minister Tereza Cristina for approval of new crop protection product for onion production Producers are neglected as an alternative to weed control after the manufacturer announced the end of Totril The next crop of onion and garlic…

Clean energy is not that clean

The Alfredo Wagner Online newspaper transcribes Raphael Monteiro’s article about the false advertising involved with the propagated clean energy. The author proves that it is not that clean and could be a big problem in the near future. Raphael Monteiro…

Evangelicals and Agribusiness fill Brasília in a pro-Bolsonaro demonstration

Organized over weeks, the event was attended by several sectors. Farmers from various parts of the country organized themselves to be present at the demonstration. Yesterday’s event rescues Bolsonaro’s credibility, shaken by the poor demonstration of May 1, showing that…

Investments in the electrical system of Greater Florianópolis is the agenda for a meeting between mayors and the board of directors of Celesc

Investments in the electrical system of Greater Florianópolis is the agenda for a meeting between mayors and the board of directors of Celesc The actions to improve the electrical system of Greater Florianópolis were put on the agenda this week,…

Brazil is the 3rd country that consumes more beer in the world

Research highlights beer consumption in Brazil and in the world The Brazil is the third country that consumes the most beer in the world, second only to China and the United States. This is revealed in a study released by the discount platform  that…