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Money forgotten in banks total 8 billion; see how to rescue

Individuals and legal entities can consult forgotten amounts in banks and other entities of the financial system using the new functionality of the Central Bank, called “Amounts Receivable”. Money is returned within 12 business days

(FOLHAPRESS) – The Central Bank released this Monday (24) a new tool that will allow the return of around R$ 8 billion to citizens and companies that, for the most part, have no idea that they have the money. current or savings accounts with the balance still available, fees or installments unduly charged by banks, quotas or leftovers from people who participated in credit cooperatives and resources from consortium groups that were not sought after by the owners.

The new functionality, called “Amounts Receivable”, allows individuals and companies to consult forgotten amounts in banks and other entities of the financial system. Money is returned within 12 business days.

In the first phase of the service, the BC estimates the return of R$ 3.9 billion. Also in 2022, according to the institution, amounts related to fees and installments of credit operations improperly charged will also be made available, in addition to prepaid, postpaid and securities brokerage and securities brokerage accounts, all closed with available balance. .

The system was launched at the end of 2021. The agency points out that in some situations the amounts may be small, but the new feature will allow their return in an agile manner. The service shows values ​​in accounts from 2001 onwards.

How to consult

  • To check if there is an available balance to be redeemed, access the Central Bank Amounts Receivable portal ( ).
  • Then:
    Click on “Consult the Amounts Receivable Report
  • Click on “Start Query
  • Enter your company’s CPF or CNPJ
  • Transcribe characters to prove you are human
  • If you have nothing receivable, the message “You currently have no receivables” will appear.
  • If there is money to be released, “Consultation successfully completed! To learn more details about the amounts to be received, access the Registrar”

how to redeem

  • To redeem the amounts, it is necessary to log into the Registrato system ( ), of the Central Bank, or the account on the portal ( br/ ):
  • Click on “Access Registrato” after checking if there are amounts to be received or access the service login system
  • Choose the option to enter your account or login Registrato
  • When passing the cursor on each of the options, it is possible to view the registration option
  • To access the balance on the federal government platform, in addition to registering with personal information, you must have a silver or gold login (offered to those who have already integrated their bank account to the government platform or registered facial biometrics in the Meu Gov app. br)

To redeem the amounts via Registrato, without the need to log into the government platform, access the service’s registration page. You can register via the app, internet banking or by downloading a digital security certificate. The step is required to transfer the redeemed amounts to the CPF holder’s account. The simplest method is through access to Registrato in the holder’s bank application. See the paths in the application of each available bank:

  • Banco do Brasil (Click on: Menu > Services > Registration)
  • Bradesco  (Click on: Registrato)
  • Caixa Econômica (Click on: Passwords and Settings > Registrato Banco Central)
  • Itaú (Click on: Services > Registrato Banco Central)
  • Santander (Click on: APP SANTANDER > Santander ON > My moment > Bacen Auto Credenciamento Registrato)
  • Sicoob (Click on: APP SICOOB > Services > Registrato Banco Central)
  • Sicredi  (Click on: Sicredi X > Registrato)Money is returned within 12 business days

To receive the amounts, the customer must choose the option in which he asks the bank to return the money via Pix.

Payment must be made within 12 business days.

If the bank has not signed up for payment via Pix, the institution can make the transfer via DOC or TED within the same period.

Banks that have not signed up to the payment agreement with the Central Bank can exclusively offer the option “Request via institution”, in which the customer must request payment directly from the bank.

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