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Change is necessary, but you have to have courage!

Instruction manual for a more courageous life

Launched by DVS Editora, businesswoman Carol Manciola leads the reader to an internal dialogue about how change is worthwhile

Life would be easier if it came with an instruction manual on the right time to change jobs; start or restart your studies; take a chance on that business of your own; change city; start a relationship; have (or not) children; what clothes to wear; the destination of the next vacation… But that’s not how it happens, since we have to make big and small decisions all the time. And whatever it is, even when no choice is made, there is a feeling present: courage

In  Courage and a few more Cês da Vida, released by DVS Editora,  writer and businesswoman Carol Manciola reflects on what prevents people from changing. Most believe it is fear, but what inhibits decision making is lack of courage. For her,  “courage is not the opposite of fear; courage is to act in spite of it.”

Carol traces a transformation route for the reader to identify the nuisanceanalyze the possibilitiesmake a decisioncommunicate the changeimplement and assume the consequences. At the launch, the businesswoman reflects in a good-natured way on the word courage and believes that the biggest challenge for people’s evolution is the lack of it. In an open dialogue with the reader, the author teaches how to use feeling to promote change.

Courage is knowing that everything can go wrong, it is being sure that staying where you are is much safer, it is listening to a lot of people advising you to be more prudent, it is having all the justifications in the world for not changing and not knowing if should or should not, but simply go, because deep down, your heart is more important than your head. (Courage and a few more C’s of Life, p. 28)

This is the third book by the founder of  Posiciona , a corporate education company specializing in sales training. She is also the author of Os Cês da Vida and the bestselling book Bora Bater Meta. Each chapter, always titled with words that start with the letter C, Carol Manciola delivers a new perspective on walking and shares a life with more awareness, coherence, consistency and, of course, courage.


  • Title : Courage
  • Subtitle : and a few more C’s of Life
  • Publisher : DVS Publisher
  • Author : Carol Manciola
  • Pages : 208
  • Format : 23 × 16 cm
  • ISBN: 978-65-5695-055-6
  • Price : BRL 45.00
  • Sale link :

About the author:  Born in Bahia and from São Paulo at heart, Carol Manciola overflows with joy and enthusiasm. Curious, communicative and spontaneous, she manages to inspire everyone wherever she goes. She is the CEO and founder of  Posiciona , a corporate education company specializing in sales training that has already impacted more than 500,000 people since its founding in 2017. Administrator by vocation and educator by mission, she combines pragmatism and lightness to translate life and world challenges corporate in a unique way, captivating by its energy. She is the mother of Leonardo and Ursula and the wife of Marcus.

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