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International Women’s Day: Today is the day to remember!

By Débora Loureiro

Today is International Women’s Day. Day to remember our own history and those that brought us here. Day to rescue in memory (or research) the paths of famous women (or not) who fought and conquered space that was previously denied to us. Knowing about their achievements and realizing that before we didn’t have so many rights, we had less freedom and less respect.

It is this awareness that makes us realize that things were very different. That oppression was even more nefarious. And that yes, we still have a lot to do, for ourselves, for our daughters, for other women.

Speaking at the national level, we can list the following achievements:

It was not until 1827 that women were allowed access to primary schools! And in 1879 we gained access to the college. Just imagine, today we are the majority in access to college.

In 1832 we had the first publication, made by Nísia Floresta, who challenged the customs of the time and was the first Brazilian woman to denounce in a publication the myth of male superiority and of defending women as intelligent people deserving of equal respect.

Although the first female political party was created in 1910, as a tool to defend women’s rights, such as the right to vote and their social emancipation. It was not until 1932 that we were able to vote.

Do you know the credit/debit card you have in your wallet? Only in 1974 was it possible to legally carry it! Play football legally, in 1979.

But the most important thing (and for me the most serious, because it took so long), is that it was only in 1988, in the new Brazilian Constitution, that men and women were considered equal! In 2002, not being a virgin was no longer a motivation for annulment.

Maria da Penha Law? Sanctioned in 2006. Does femicide become a legal classification? 2015.

It’s a quick and very meaningful listing! There are many others! And history was made to be learned, and in this case, celebrated.

May it inspire us in our daily struggles. May we educate our daughters to be free and intelligent and our sons not to see women as possessions and to deal with their emotions in a healthy way.

May it inspire us to say No in absurd situations, in our daily lives.

May it inspire us to help each other, breaking a cycle of supposed competition.

May we wear our pants every day and know that this, this garment, was also an act of freedom!

Remember that you can do it all! Whatever and wherever you want. That your place is where you decide! That your dreams, your work, your life deserve respect, dignity and support. Do not forget that! Combined?

Débora Loureiro is a specialist in Self-esteem. Contributes to the increase of personal power of those who are in contact using knowledge from various areas about the human mind, experience and sensitivity. It works with its unique personality in the lives of its clients to bring to the world more people who are fulfilling their life missions. It helps to reveal interior lights with all their power and splendor.

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