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At home or in the office: 5 tips to stay focused on hybrid work

By: Vitória Veiga, Marketing Manager at Unentel Distribuição

When most people were getting used to the home office, it was time to partially return to the office. The hybrid work model has become a reality and seems to please employees and companies. According to a Microsoft survey of trends at work, in 2021, 57% of remote workers considered moving to hybrid worldwide. The challenge now is to be able to maintain focus and productivity with changing environments, but some attitudes facilitate the transition.

Be patient:  The reality is that before the pandemic, few professionals worked at companies whose culture embraced hybrid work. Thus, much of the market is still getting used to the format, both companies and employees. Everyone is going through the process of learning and adapting, that is, be patient with others and with yourself.

Create a routine for both formats:  The remote work routine is different from that of the face-to-face office. In hybrid work, it is necessary to respect the particularities of each environment. A day at the company and another day at home can end up messing up the routine – and over time, generating more fatigue throughout the week. Therefore, set a schedule for both work formats, so you will be able to carry out all your activities – both at home and in the company.

Keeping an eye on productivity:  A common complaint from some home-office professionals is that, at home, it’s easier to lose focus. The drive to stay focused and productive starts with finding a quiet, distraction-free place to work. It doesn’t matter if it’s the living room, bedroom, kitchen, but have an environment prepared to stay focused.

Pomodoro:  If focusing on tasks is too complicated, there are techniques such as the “Pomodoro”, which consists of using a stopwatch to divide work into 25-minute periods, separated by short breaks, from 3 to 5 minutes. The methodology is worth trying and there are already several apps that help with the technique, such as Pommo, Pomodoro Timer, Pomodoro & Tasks.

Invest in tools:  For every type of job there are appropriate tools and the corporate world is no different. From an active noise-canceling bluetooth headset that allows you to walk around the house or office and answer possible calls even away from your cell phone, to smart video conferencing solutions. The market already offers several solutions and with the consolidation of flexible work models, having the right tools makes a difference in productivity.

Emily Julia Caetano Silva
Customer Service

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