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The dangers of winter diseases

What are the risks of not treating them properly and when is ENT surgery necessary?

Winter is a reason for attention to respiratory diseases. In the cold, people tend to stay indoors, which makes air circulation difficult and favors the proliferation of viruses and bacteria. “With the arrival of winter, diseases such as sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis, laryngitis and others become more recurrent and care must be redoubled”, explains Dr. Fernão Bevilacqua, Otorhinolaryngologist at Hospital Albert Sabin (HAS).

For better prevention of common cold diseases, it is important to adopt some habits such as:

  • Keeping vaccines up to date;
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Keep the environments ventilated;
  • Eat a varied and healthy diet;
  • Avoid contact with sick people.

Otorhinolaryngological surgeries, on the other hand, consist of approaches in these regions for the treatment of acute, chronic and recurrent infections, cases of nasal obstruction, snoring, obstructive sleep apnea and tumors.

With the help of new technologies, such as endoscopic surgeries, for example, the otorhinolaryngologist is also able to perform surgery to access lesions and disorders of the skull base, as well as rehabilitate hearing loss through the bionic ear”, says Dr. Bevilacqua.

The most commonly performed ENT surgeries are:

  • Septoplasty – consists of the surgical approach of the nasal septum to correct deviations in the cartilaginous and bony portions, to improve nasal potency. It is performed inside the nose, and the aid of the endoscope may be necessary;
  • Turbinectomy – usually performed together with septoplasty, it is used for the treatment of inferior turbinates;
  • Tonsillectomy – means the removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) and/or the adenoid (adenoidectomy).

The main complication associated with these surgeries is nasal and oral bleeding. “The blood supply to these regions comes from large vessels, so hemorrhagic conditions can be serious, and it is very important to carefully follow the postoperative care”, warns the doctor from the HAS. 

The average recovery time is usually approximately two weeks, however, for the return to more intense physical activities, this period can reach 30 days.

It is important to emphasize that otorhinolaryngological surgeries can bring significant improvements in the patient’s quality of life, however, postoperative care and follow-up of the treatment of chronic diseases are essential for surgical success. In addition, it is extremely essential to raise awareness, in the entire population, of the importance of daily nasal washing for the maintenance of good health”, concludes Dr. Ferdinand.

Hospital becomes a reference in the west of São Paulo.

With 50 years of experience, Hospital Albert Sabin undergoes complete revitalization and is positioned as the main health center in Lapa and region.

With the mission of promoting health, seeking excellence in care processes, continuous improvement and operational efficiency, the history of Hospital Albert Sabin de SP (HAS), which completed 50 years in 2020, dates back to the 1970s with the acquisition of Lapa Assistência Doctor. In the following years, the construction of the building that still houses the hospital took place.

In the 2000s, its partners began the process of revitalization and modernization of the hospital, through renovations and the acquisition of new equipment with cutting-edge technology, culminating in 2016 with the expansion and new renovation, doubling the number of beds.

Humanization, care, attention and respect are the values ​​that guide all the activities of the team and the medical center as a whole, making state-of-the-art equipment available to patients, which guarantee more safety and high success rates in surgeries and treatments.

The services offered to the population, always with a high degree of quality, are the most complete and diverse, such as:

  • 24-hour emergency service – Prepared to respond to emergencies and emergencies quickly and efficiently, Albert Sabin Hospital has a high-level multidisciplinary team and has several specialties, such as Cardiology, General Practice, Orthopedics and General Surgery.
  • Urgent and elective admissions – For clinical and surgical procedures, it offers a humanized service with total tranquility, with comfortable apartments and complete hotel service, adult ICU, with professionals prepared to assist patients in all intensive procedures with total safety and agility, and a nursing team trained to the highest standards of excellence. It also has an infirmary, with all the comfort of the apartments, however, with two beds per facility.
  • Surgeries – Surgical Center with high quality facilities and the best equipped in the region, offering care with total safety and care in the most diverse specialties, such as Cardiology, Oncology, Bariatric Surgery, Orthopedics, Thoracic, Otorhinolaryngology, Neurological, Urological, Gynecological, Vascular , Plastics and General. Also, the Surgical Arch provides greater precision for performing procedures, mainly for Orthopedic Surgeries, Neurosurgeries and Vascular Surgeries.
  • CCU (Coronary Unit) – Specialized in the treatment of adult patients with heart problems who are at high risk and need intensive care with 24-hour monitoring. Team always prepared to provide the necessary specialized assistance to all patients during cardiac procedures or in the following events: Chest Pain, Acute Coronary Syndromes, Decompensated Heart Failure, Unstable Arrhythmia, Acute Aortic Syndrome and Post-Cardiopulmonary Arrest Syndrome.
  • Specialties – In order to meet the most varied needs of its patients, HAS has teams in practically all areas, such as Arrhythmology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, General Practice, Dermatology, Endocrinology , Physiotherapy, Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Hematology, Infectology, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Nutrology, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Pulmonology, Proctology, Psychiatry, Urology and Vascular..

Always thinking about the comfort of its patients and trying to serve the largest number of people who seek the hospital, HAS serves and works with various health insurance plans.

Albert Sabin Hospital also performs laboratory, imaging and cardiological tests, diagnosis and therapy services with the most modern equipment and with unparalleled professional quality. Among these services are Pathological Anatomy, Bronchoscopy, Colonoscopy, Transcranial Doppler, Echocardiogram, Doppler Echo, Electrocardiogram, Upper Digestive Endoscopy, Hemodynamics, Pulmonary Function Test, Chemotherapy, Radiology in General, Computed Tomography/Angiotomography, Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging/ Angioresonance.

It is impossible not to be surprised by the structure and quality of Hospital Albert Sabin, acquired in 50 years of hard work and personal abnegation of its maintainers and employees, always aiming at the well-being of its patients, employees and the population in general that seeks it. . It really is a complete medical center of excellence in all the areas it has set out to work.

The hospital and its professionals work with safety protocols and international certifications to ensure safe processes for their patients, companions and teams. It is worth mentioning the efforts made by the hospital to adopt security measures, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, by adopting separate entrances and facilities for elective patients and the separation, in the emergency room, of people with suspected infection by the new coronavirus already in the hospital. sorting.

HAS: Your life is in our care!

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50 years video: 






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