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Bolsonaro: “abortion only exacerbates the tragedy”

(FOLHAPRESS) – In a series of publications on Thursday night (23), President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) classified the case of an 11-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped and had the right to an abortion as “sensitive” initially denied by the court.

The chief executive opposed the possibility of the child interrupting the pregnancy. “ We know that this is a sensitive case, but taking an innocent life, in addition to violating the fundamental right of every human being, does not heal wounds or do justice to anyone, on the contrary, abortion only exacerbates this tragedy! There will always be other paths ,” he wrote on Twitter.

“ A baby seven months pregnant, there is no debate about the way he was generated, whether or not it is supported by the law. It is inadmissible to speak of taking the life of this helpless being! “, he also published.

The president also posted a photo of a 25-week-old baby and said that the 11-year-old girl’s miscarriage was 29 weeks old and was “a victim of this tragedy.”

“ The only certainty about the tragedy of the 7-month pregnant girl is that both she and the baby were victims, innocent souls, lives that should not pay for what they are not guilty of, but be protected from the environment they live in, from the pain of trauma and from the evil harassment of pro-abortion groups ,” the president also wrote on social media.

The girl’s family even took her to the hospital to perform the abortion, but the doctors refused to perform the procedure because the pregnancy had completed 22 weeks and a norm of the Ministry of Health only allows abortion until the twentieth week.

The Penal Code, however, provides that abortion performed in the case of pregnancy resulting from rape or when the life of the pregnant woman is at risk cannot be punished. The law does not stipulate a limit of weeks for the procedure to be carried out in these situations.

The case gained the news due to the behavior of the judge in the case, Joana Zimmer, who tried to avoid the termination of the pregnancy.

“Would you bear to stay a little longer?”, said the magistrate, in a hearing that was recorded and had the video revealed by the website The Intercept.

The CNJ (National Council of Justice) and the Corregedoria-Geral da Justiça of the TJ-SC (Court of Justice of Santa Catarina) investigate the conduct of the magistrate, who induced the girl to give up legal abortion.

This Thursday, the Federal Public Ministry said that the University Hospital of Florianópolis performed the abortion on the 11-year-old girl who was raped by another 13-year-old child in Santa Catarina.

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