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Strength of women in agribusiness wins support from companies at CNMA 2022

This year, the 7th edition of the congress has as its theme “Coordination of production chains in agribusiness, the decisive decade!”

With each edition, the National Congress of Women in Agribusiness – CNMA, which this year will take place on October 26 and 27, at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo (SP), consolidates itself as a Brazilian showcase of successful cases of women at front of agricultural enterprises, making them protagonists of their stories.  

This protagonism generates investment and incentives for companies in the sector, which see in the female strength an opportunity for growth. The truth is that women have evolved and are occupying transforming positions in various environments and in agribusiness participation is significant.

We realize that leadership, determination and female entrepreneurship in the field are growing every day. Being able to participate and support this evolution through the CNMA is very important for Bradesco, which since its foundation has been committed to serving and promoting Brazilian agribusiness”, says Executive Director Glaucimar Peticov.

Sponsoring the CNMA for the second consecutive year,  Nutrien América Latina  believes that the event has already established itself as the largest discussion forum on female inclusion in agribusiness in Latin America. “We not only support the congress initiative, but we debate and promote diversity every day at Nutrien, as we understand diversity as a commitment that is part of our organizational culture. We defend that inclusion must be a daily practice and that it must ensure an environment of appreciation and respect for differences. We value differences and are committed to the integrity of each individual in their entirety”, prides Nutrien Latin America Marketing Director Cintia Leitão de Souza.

Supporting yet another edition of the Women’s Congress,  Cargill  understands the importance of women’s participation in the development of an increasingly sustainable agribusiness. “Cargill values ​​a culture of diversity and inclusion inside and outside the company as part of its commitment to helping the world prosper. That is why we are once again present at the largest event for women in agriculture in Latin America”, says Cargill Communications Director Eliane Uchoa.

Gender diversity is highlighted at CNMA 2022

Another company that renews its partnership with the Women’s Congress is  UPL , one of the four largest agricultural solutions companies in Brazil, which, committed to gender diversity since the beginning of its operations, will present, during the event, its initiatives to promote inclusion of the female public in the sector’s labor market, such as UPelas. Launched in 2022, the UPelas movement aims to recognize, promote and intensify the female presence in agribusiness.

More than that, we want to take this ideal to society and connect even more intensely with women who contribute to sustainable agriculture and who have common needs, aspirations and desires”, explains the UPL Human Resources Director. Brazil Maria da Conceição Guimarães.

Promoting diversity and inclusion is one of the priority themes in  Sumitomo Chemical Latin America ‘s strategic sustainability planning . As one of the focuses of diversity actions is the promotion of gender equity issues, which led the company to become a signatory of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) with UN Women, committing to the goal of having, by 2025, , at least 30% of leadership positions held by women.

In order for there to be significant changes, a movement of the whole society is necessary to break prejudices and biases. Whether in the family environment when we talk about the role of parents in raising children or in the sports world, when we value a female sport. And, of course, organizations play a key role. It has the responsibility of opening up more and more space for the insertion of women in the world of business and leadership”, declares the Director of HR and General Affairs of Sumitomo Chemical Latin America Andrea Oliveira.

Camila Klein  believes that participating in this edition of the National Congress of Women in Agribusiness as a sponsoring brand is to express the strength and union of this female universe, through women who are at the forefront of the market, planting changes, inclusion and innovation in agribusiness and in the world.

Great meeting of agricultural women

In its 7th edition, CNMA 2022 is once again the stage for the biggest meeting between women in the sector, after two years in online format. “ We are preparing for this year an even more special Congress, with topics of relevance to the current scenario of women in the sector, who today have already assumed their role as protagonists and increasingly seek training to assume the role of leadership and decision-making within and outside the gate ”, declares the Show Manager of the event Carolina Gama.

The General Director of the Transamerica Expo Center, Alexandre Marcílio, reinforces the invitation and says he is excited and confident with the resumption of face-to-face events. “We hope that all the participants of the last editions will be with us, reliving the atmosphere of union and strength, characteristic of Brazilian agribusiness. We are sure it will be a memorable event.”

Registration for the National Congress of Women in Agribusiness is now open. Visit the website .

Juliana Bonassa

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