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Accidents at home increased dramatically after the pandemic-32 thousand cases!

Priscila Currie, Brazilian paramedic in London, warns and gives prevention tips!

Unfortunately, accidents at home are more common than we think. Even before the pandemic, the worst accidents I attend to happen in people’s own homes and often with terrible consequences”, reports Priscila Currie, the first Brazilian paramedic in London.

Therefore, with this report above, attention and precaution make all the difference. According to the Ministry of Health, in 2019, 18,000 domestic accidents were recorded in Brazil. That number jumped to 32,000 cases in 2020, this is obviously due to us staying indoors longer.

Elderly people and children are the ones who suffer the most accidents at home, but I have attended to many adults as well. It is very important to know what care is needed to raise awareness among people and family members”, explains Priscila.

Accidents are the most common causes of death for children aged 1 to 14 years in Brazil and, per year, more than 3,300 girls and boys die for this reason (another 112,000 children are hospitalized in a serious condition), data from the NGO Criança Segura Brazil.

The Brazilian paramedic analyzes that the increase was largely due to social isolation, in which children had to stay at home longer and with their parents (home office) trying to unfold between work tasks and attention to their children.

Priscila says that 90% of accidents could be avoided and warns that “falls” are the main cause of domestic accidents, followed by cuts, burns and poisoning.

But how to prevent and act?

Check out Priscila Currie’s alerts:

Asphyxia  – attention to the child’s age and suitable toys for your children. Also pay attention to the quality of this toy! Cheap is often expensive! The paramedic says that parts that come off easily and batteries, for example, are easily accessible and can be swallowed, causing suffocation. Choking on small objects is a major risk for children under 5 years of age.

Inadequate or unsupervised feeding is also dangerous, according to the London-based paramedic.

Curtains and clothesline ropes are also dangerous and cause accidental hanging.

During breastfeeding , pay close attention to the volume of breast milk during breastfeeding, especially at dawn. The traditional “belch” has to happen before the child goes to bed. Unfortunately, the aspiration of the vomit itself can occur, the baby often cannot react naturally by coughing or crying.

“ Babies cannot sleep on their stomachs ”, warns Priscila! Young babies need to sleep on their stomachs! And NEVER in the same bed as the parents, because accidental suffocation also happens.

Babies need a safe , age-appropriate crib. I have cared for children who have suffocated to death with items that shouldn’t be there. I’ve cared for children who fell between the bed and the wall and suffocated on the pillow that fell with it. So please study the correct way for your children to sleep peacefully and safely.”


Attention to expiration dates and adequate hygiene for food, not to mention cleaning the places where they are handled. Chemicals and medications should be kept out of the reach of children and elderly people who, for some health reasons, may need more attention.


Alert to environments and local circulation. Maintain adequate lighting on the stairs, avoid rugs near both the descent and the ascent, and observe objects that may be loose on the stairs. If you have a wooden or tile floor, make a rule of NOT WEARING SOCKS inside the house. Priscila warns that socks slip and falls are ugly! Stairs need handrails on at least one side, but ideally on both sides. Stairs must have lockable gates so that young children cannot go down stairs unattended. Seniors also need help.


Keep the pool indoors when not in use. And the empty bathtubs, of course. As well as buckets, washing basins and tanks, toilets.


When preparing food, using the stove, keep children out of reach. Prefer pans with their handles facing backwards and inwards. Toasters, grills and microwaves seem harmless, but they are not! And do not leave alcohol, matches, lighters and chemicals near these places and appliances, as they can cause fire and serious burns.

Still in the kitchen and in the house, do not leave sharp objects in sight (knives, graters, for example). Even the elderly should be careful when handling them.

Never, run with objects in hand NEVER! Even a pencil becomes a fatal weapon. It’s not a matter of being paranoid about everything, but reasoning and being zealous are attitudes that prevent accidents and unnecessary deaths. Prevention is always better! Care never hurts”, concludes our UK health hero.

Learn first aid in case you need to keep a person alive until SAMU arrives. Depending on the accident, urgently take the patient to the emergency room or even contact the Mobile Emergency Service or Fire Department.

About Paramedic

Priscila Currie holds a degree in Paramedical Sciences from one of the best clinical faculties in the world, St Georges University in London. She works as a Paramedic for the British government attending to the capital’s biggest pre-hospital emergencies.

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