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Gunther Rudzit is a professor of International Relations at ESPM, a specialist in national and international security. He was an advisor to the Minister of Defense.

The announcement about the acceptance of Finland and Sweden’s entry into NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization , by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoganl, took practically everyone by surprise. According to Gunther Rudzit, professor of International Relations at ESPM and a specialist in national and international security, there was a perception that he would try to keep the issue on hold until next year, when he will run for reelection, and would use the issue as a campaign theme along the lines of nationalist who follows.

For the professor, NATO comes out stronger from this meeting, not only for having a new strategic guideline, but also for showing unity and being able to count on two important new members. The result of this is a change in the conventional strategic framework in Europe. “First by the joint addition of 203 fighters, 1041 artillery pieces, 853 tanks and 248,000 reservists. This is a set of capabilities that Russia cannot quickly respond to. Or even in the medium term,” he says.

These capabilities are on the Russian northern flank, ie approximately 240km from St. Petersburg, and the Northern Military District. This one by concentrating the Northern Fleet based in the city of Musrmansk, and all Russian military activity in the Arctic. Faced with the losses and prospects of a war that will take time to end, Russia will hardly be able to quickly adapt to this new scenario.

About ESPM

ESPM Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing , an institution with maximum grades in the MEC and excellence in international study, is an innovative business school, a Brazilian reference in higher education in the areas of Communication, Marketing, Consumption, Administration and Creative Economy. Its 12,600 undergraduate and graduate students and more than 1,100 employees are distributed across five campuses – two in São Paulo, one in Rio de Janeiro, one in Porto Alegre and one in Florianópolis. Lifelong learning, lifelong learning, teaching excellence and market focus are the foundations of ESPM.

William Lara

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