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New social network is designed and developed to promote human well-being

According to psychologist Nicolli Callegari, Kornerz arrives to help the most different people find their place in the world, especially after the pandemic.

São Paulo, July 2022 –  The new social network  Kornerz , hits the market with a focus on providing exchanges of experiences and thus promoting well-being, self-knowledge and human development. According to the survey carried out by Consumoteca, after the pandemic, 78% of the Brazilian population began to worry and research more about health, well-being and quality of life.

We are living in a fast and superficial era, it is possible to perceive the suffering of the human being when coming into contact with more intimate and personal issues, that is why it is so important to know yourself”, explains psychologist  Nicolli Callegari . 

Upon understanding how the new platform works, Nicole described the feeling of excitement, since she can perceive in her care the human being’s need to find their place. “I can clearly see in the midst of my working days how much I still need to find people with the same ideal or lifestyle. It is as if the human being still needed to belong to a tribe, since the formats of relationships and social patterns of work no longer support our current society”, exclaims the psychologist. 

Kornerz brings a creative proposal with the potential to promote connections, encounters and exchanges. “This new social network revolves around a totally different perspective from the others, in which we are able to share different experiences, cultures and even purposes, this is innovative”, says Nicolli. 

The psychologist comments that the human being has great difficulty in sharing their fears, anxieties and even opinions, contact with people who share the same values ​​and interests can be transformative, being able to talk about a specific topic with those who also understand about the subject is What else is new today? In addition to sharing your long-term expectation regarding the social network. “The more I get to know people who are on this path, the more I feel like it belongs to me. Thinking about the possibility of forming a network of random connections, sharing the same interest, behind a social network makes my heart warm”, explains Nicolli. 

The search for exchange of experiences is significant when we talk about topics such as spirituality, art, education, sport and music, we believe that our users are all those who are looking at human and social development and want to talk more about the infinite topics that in these areas can exist, connecting people with these same purposes”, explains  Bellmond Viga, Holistic Therapist, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Kornerz. 

The application has been updated in stages, at this stage, the connection is made through rooms divided into themes, with up to 200 simultaneous accesses in each. 

The connection between people was thought and developed to be as simple as possible. After downloading the application, and registering, just one click to access it. The app is available for download on  Android  and  iOS systems . “We believe in breaking paradigms, and connecting people through their common purposes and interests is to promote social well-being, using technology as our great ally in this process”, concludes Bellmond. 

About Kornerz

Believing that technology is at the service of humanity aiming at the well-being and development of the human being. Kornerz aims to connect people for the purpose, common interests and thus shorten the distances of knowledge providing new experiences, social well-being, human development and self-knowledge. 

Kornerz is a social network that works through video calls and connects people with common interests and values. After downloading the app and registering, it only takes one click to access it. The call is made randomly and individually with the other users, with an average duration of one to five minutes. The application is available in BETA version for download on  Android  and  iOS systems . 

Amanda Mastrorosa

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