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Agriculture Tecnology

Technology speeds up remote service to producers

A company from Ibaté-SP has developed a remote assistance system that allows maintenance and configuration operations for agricultural machines and implements without the immediate presence of a technician

The use of communication technologies has been advancing in the agricultural environment, which has greatly facilitated the day to day in the field. Today, with increasingly shorter planting windows, time is a precious thing for the producer. In the area of ​​agricultural machinery and implements, the pandemic, for example, was also a disruptive moment in the adequacy of work and personal relationships through digital.

Many companies, from this new reality, sought ways to reinvent the service and dissemination of products and services to their customers. MP Agro Máquinas Agrícolas, from Ibaté-SP, developed, after this experience, a remote assistance service structure that allows the producer to solve problems in the field online and easily. The novelty has been around for a year and, with that, he doesn’t have to wait until the technician arrives, which can take more than a day.

Directly from the factory, the technician assists the customer in any maintenance and configuration operation of the machines, such as stainless steel fertilizer distributors, equipment that is the company’s specialty. Sérgio Tavares, machine maintenance technician at MP Agro, explains that currently the calls arrive through WhatsApp and calls. “A large percentage of the problems related to the electrical of the machines in the field, as well as the rate, are solved by video calls, audios and images. We use our own fee panel, which helps us visually and professionally in the calls”, he says.

An example of remote assistance with a satisfactory result was when an equipment presented calibration failures in the field. The professional cites as an example, a customer who reported to the company that his product did not complete the calibration and there were error messages on his controller screen. “Through a video call and with the support of his electrician who was in the field, we were able to check the machine’s electrical harnesses, work voltage measurements, wire continuity measurements, and we came to the conclusion that the inductive sensor of the treadmill it had malfunctions and did not complete the feedback to the controller”, says Tavares.

After the diagnosis, the producer was instructed to call the dealer responsible for selling the MP Agro equipment and request a new inductive sensor. With the warranty period valid, the reseller issues the Warranty Analysis Form to MP Agro and, in this way, serves the customer. If the equipment is out of that period, the process is the same, however, the brand’s sales department conducts the request. “After completing this step and the inductive sensor in the customer’s hands, our after-sales department is available for a new remote service if necessary”, completes the company’s technician.

customer acceptance

According to Tavares, the acceptance of producers is positive, as remote service is a way to serve them as quickly as possible. He also highlights that it is possible to avoid inconvenience to customers, future problems with the application in the fields, and during the service to teach even more those responsible for the day to day work with the equipment. “Remote assistance is one of the fundamental tools in the quick solution to customer needs and a way to save costs for MP Agro”, concludes the professional.

MP Agro  – Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Ibaté-SP, the company was born with the purpose of bringing the best and most reliable technological solutions in stainless steel to the agricultural market. It has a portfolio of products aimed at distributing fertilizers, which makes them specialists in the segment.

Cassiana Bonissoni

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