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Elections 2022: Bolsonaro wins in the Northeast and Lula in the South and Southeast, but abstentions will win throughout Brazil

The 2022 brazilian Elections will leave a surprising result that no political analyst is predicting. This lack of foresight is due to the bipolarity of an artificial pre-electoral environment, driven so that only two candidates stand out.

Political parties are little interested in the electorate. They look at the advantages they will get from this or that candidate.

None of the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic will be able to reverse a reality: abstention, white and null, which could exceed 55% of the Brazilian electorate. More than half of voters do not want any of the candidates presented and political parties ignore this truth.

A laughable third way appears to take, perhaps, 10% of the votes said to be valid, leaving each of the radicals Bolsonaro and Lula to divide 35% of these votes.

The Electoral Court itself considers valid only the vote of those who went to an electronic ballot box and pressed the green button after including the number of their candidate.

The politician doesn’t listen to the people… if he walked the streets, talking disinterestedly with the voter, listening to their opinions, he would know that there will be a big surprise this year.

Surprisingly, Bolsonaro will win in the Northeast, perhaps reaching 20 or 21% of the national electorate, but in the South and Southeast, which was his hallmark in his first term, the winner will be Lula with the same proportion.

Both candidates use the same techniques to attract the attention of the electorate, but they have only managed to widen the margin of those who will not vote. And of those who will go to the polls, the disappointment regarding the candidates, be they A, B, C, or D is very great. A minority of fanatics try to give the impression that their candidate has already won… they may even lead Brazil to a civil war, if the result is not the desired one, but the polls will speak louder and show the real Brazil that denies populism and fanaticism .

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