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Month of Informatics: Software Developer undertakes in the education and technology sector and becomes a SuperGeeks franchisee

“Every young person deserves to develop their potential to the fullest”, says entrepreneur Marcus Vinicius Barreto Franco

Celebrated on August 15th, Computer Day, marks the presentation of the first computer in 1943 in the USA. A lot has happened since then, and the technological evolution started with these first pieces of equipment allowed a leap not only technological but also human in the world.

Today, information technology and its equipment permeate the experience of most people, being not only facilitators of daily activities, but also work tools. According to a survey carried out by the Brazilian Association of Information and Communication Technology Companies (Brasscom) in 2021, Brazil trains around 46,000 information technology (IT) professionals per year. However, the number is still far below what is needed to serve the domestic market, which opens almost 70,000 jobs annually.

Knowing this, Software Developer Marcus Vinicius Barreto Franco, 27, decided to invest in a unit of SuperGeeks – the first and largest school of Programming and Robotics (Computer Science) for children and adolescents in Brazil. “I’ve always wanted to work in teaching programming to new generations and, also, due to the shortage of new talents, I want to offer a career change opportunity for young Brazilians”, he comments.

Marcus Vinicius, opened his business in São José, Santa Catarina, and opted for Home Based (work model that can be managed from home, a reality that already existed even before social isolation). The municipality is among the eight that stood out and were in the ranking of the 50 cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants best placed in the country in the IGM (Municipal Governance Index), of the CFA (Federal Board of Directors).

Marcus leaves as a tip, for future entrepreneurs, not to wait for the perfect moment. “ Of course we also have to be realistic with our expectations. But invest time and resources in good people with skills that complement yours.”

Founded in 2014, the idea for the creation of SuperGeeks came about when its founders – Marco Giroto and Vanessa Ban, who lived in Silicon Valley (USA), realized that American schools, companies and politicians were mobilizing to teach Computer Science to children. and teenagers.

One of the network’s founders, Marco Giroto, points out that potential instructors of programming courses can also become SuperGeeks microfranchisees, as well as people with no knowledge of technology, but willing to undertake. “In this case, the entrepreneur will have to hire a professional with programming knowledge to teach the courses, with the support and training of SuperGeeks”.

With more than 48 units in operation in the country, the franchise network has a project to expand to other countries, such as Portugal, the United States, Japan and Spanish-speaking regions. With business models with investments ranging from R$9 thousand to R$200 thousand.

Microfranchise –  Cities with up to 250,000 inhabitants upon approval by the parent company. Online Performance (Home Based)

Average Initial Investment:  BRL 9,000.00

Franchise fee:  BRL 5,000.00

Classroom:  virtual rooms

Royalty:  No royalties charged

Break-even point:  7 months

Marketing Fund:  2%

Average profitability:  35% to 55%

Return on investment:  12 to 24 months

Average Monthly Revenue:  from BRL 20 thousand

Contract Term:  3 years

For more information:

About SuperGeeks

Founded in 2014,  SuperGeeks  is the first and largest Programming and Robotics (Computer Science) school for children and adolescents in Brazil. Its main objective is to teach children and teenagers how to create technologies in a fun and creative way, also encouraging the training of programmers and a generation of technology creators and not just consumers.

The network offers courses aimed at children from five to sixteen years old, has a specific methodology and adequate pedagogical support so that the teaching is made the most of it.

With 48 units in operation in the country, SuperGeeks wants to bring knowledge to as many people as possible, making Brazil one of the biggest creators of technology in the world.

Lucky Communication
Angela Rocha
Press Officer

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