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Agriculture Tecnology

Agronomic CRM, big data and analytics focused on the input distribution chain will be highlighted at Andav

New Sima Analytics modules that help in the intelligent management of information obtained in the field, visit and customer management will be presented at the event that takes place from August 17th to 19th, in the capital of São Paulo

The Andav 2022 Congress, the main meeting point for professionals working in the agricultural input distribution sector, returns in its 100% face-to-face version. For this 11th edition, the event will feature strategic themes and best practices for the development of agribusiness professionals, in addition to an exhibition area with more than 90 brands.

Among the companies that have already confirmed their presence, the highlight is the newcomer to the event, agtech Sima – Agricultural Monitoring System, which will have its own stand and will have its technical and commercial team. For the Congress, the company will present the new management modules of Sima Analytics, which help management teams to make better decisions, based on their information in real time.

The new tool is structured in four modules. The first of these is agronomic data management. With it, it is possible to understand the adversities that are affecting each region and guide decision-making. The second pillar is the management of people and activities, that is, the exact indication of where the field team is and what activities are being carried out.

With planting and harvesting management, it will be possible to follow the evolution of sowing and harvesting and access productivity data. Last, but not least, the novelty acts in the management of applications, which means having all of them registered by product, active ingredient, mixture and dosages and that the adversities encountered are still correlated.

Sima’s solutions work very simply, both for companies in the agricultural sector and for rural producers. “Through our application, the field team has full control of the protocols that must be executed in the visits, can make images, record audios or offline notes to generate tables, graphs, interactive maps and share reports. In addition, all information is stored and available for consultation at any time and place”, emphasizes Rafael Malacco, Sima’s Business Development Manager in Brazil.

One of the tool’s differentials is the possibility of accessing NDVI images, an acronym for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. With this type of image it is possible to analyze the real condition of a crop or an experimental area. Also used in side-by-side areas and demand generation programs, the Sima system also provides for the construction of a database. “Often, the data collected is used only in one harvest because they are being released in Excel and it is almost impossible to have an integration and follow-up of the teams. The platform manages and unifies information in a single place, in addition to building and maintaining the harvest history to monitor what has already happened”, emphasizes the executive.

The event

Organized by the National Association of Distributors of Agricultural and Veterinary Inputs, the Andav congress should receive more than 5 thousand professionals, including speakers, exhibitors, congressmen and visitors during the three days of the event. “The distribution channel is extremely strategic for us at SIMA, since the resale plays an essential role in the market, which is access to producers”, concludes Rafael.

About Sima

Sima is an AgTech that emerged in 2014 in Argentina with the aim of offering producers a simple, complete and intelligent platform to monitor, control and analyze data. Today the company is present in 8 Latin American countries and has more than 5 million hectares monitored. More information at: .


Andav Congress 2022
Date: 17th to 19th of August 2022
Time: 17th from 9am to 8pm | 18th from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm | 19th from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Location: Transamérica Expo Center
Address: Av. Dr. Mário Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387 – Santo Amaro – São Paulo/SP

Cassiana Bonissoni

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