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Lula has less impact on the networks during JN, but is seen more positively than Bolsonaro

The survey was carried out by the company Vox Radar, specialized in data analysis from social networks, commissioned by the corporate communication startup O Pauteiro

During the interview carried out on Thursday night (25), in Jornal Nacional, former president Lula (PT) added fewer posts linked to his name on Twitter and fewer comments on both Facebook and Instagram, in comparison with the data from President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), recorded on Monday night’s Saturday (22). Lula, however, had more positive-biased posts than Bolsonaro on Twitter.

According to a survey by Vox Radar, a company specialized in data analysis from social networks, commissioned by the corporate communication startup O Pauteiro, 55% of the posts mentioning Lula on Twitter published during the interview (from 8:30 pm to 9:10 pm) were positive, 36% were negative and 9% neutral. With Bolsonaro, something close to the opposite occurred on Monday, with 54% of the posts being negative, 29% positive and 17% neutral. The universe of posts on Twitter citing the current president, however, was practically doubled. While Lula was mentioned in 8,500 publications, Bolsonaro was mentioned in 16,500.

The number of citations to Bolsonaro in comments on Facebook and Instagram was even greater. Yesterday, Lula was mentioned in 42,500 comments on Instagram, around 1,000 for every minute of Globo’s prime time interview. On her day, Jair Bolsonaro was cited in 65,100 comments, with an average of 1,600 per minute.

On Facebook, Bolsonaro was cited in 122,000 comments during the 40-minute interview (3,050 per minute), while Lula had 17,300 mentions, with an average of 433 comments per minute, seven times less than his rival.

Similar map

Both candidates had more than 50% of Twitter publications citing their names from the Southeast, especially São Paulo (25.5% for Bolsonaro and 21.8% for Lula). The two presidential candidates had Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais in the sequence of states with more posts. The Northeast was the second region in the publications of both, with emphasis on Pernambuco and Bahia. As well as the South, with the presence of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná for both, with Santa Catarina more present in Bolsonaro.

Innovative analysis

Social networks are a fundamental element of political campaigns. Any analysis of the scenario on political communication involves understanding how voters refer to candidates through the networks”, says journalist and co-founder of O Pauteiro, Fábio Brandt. “The high investment of campaigns in digital communication, the high level of professionals working in the area and also the effort of the Justice to curb the misuse of networks demonstrates the relevance of the theme”, says journalist Samuel Figueiredo, co-founder of O Pauteiro.

According to João Yamim, one of the great merits of the tool is being able to identify and eliminate artificially controlled profiles from the count, thus maintaining maximum fidelity in the evaluation by the algorithms. “Once the robots are eliminated, we have a clearer view of what users think and how they position themselves. Although completely anonymous, the sampling seeks all the interests of the profile, which makes it easier to identify the positioning in front of a candidate”, highlights the CEO of Vox Radar.

*About The Pauteiro*

Founded in 2019 by Fábio Brandt (Novo Selo) and Samuel Figueiredo (F7 Comunicação), the startup O Pauteiro has been consolidating its performance over the years as a tool for disseminating corporate and institutional guidelines for dozens of entities and companies of recognized national relevance, such as the Federal Council of the OAB, Association of Federal Judges (Ajufe), Association of Brazilian Magistrates (AMB), Association of Federal Police Delegates (ADPF), Association of Federal Experts (APCF), National Association of Members of the Public Ministry (Conamp ), National Association of Registrars of Natural Persons (Arpen-Brasil), as well as large business groups such as BAT Brasil and startups such as Buser. Learn more at:

*About Vox Radar*

Vox Radar is the most complete Social Listening tool in the Brazilian market. It works with its own indexes and algorithms, developed to qualify the sentiment and subjects of publications with the highest accuracy in the market, thus allowing it to be possible to understand, in real time, the sentiment of users of social networks in Brazil. Learn more at:

Lauro Rocha

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