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Political analysis

Debate between brazilian presidential candidates has “Corruption” as the most talked about topic on Twitter

The debate between presidential candidates, held on September 24 (Saturday) in the early evening by CNN, SBT, Estadão/Rádio Eldorado, Veja, Terra and radio NovaBrasilFM, moved the conversation on Twitter. The candidates (in alphabetical order) were present at the event: Ciro Gomes (PDT), Jair Bolsonaro (PL), Luiz Felipe D’Avila (Novo), Padre Kelmon (PTB), Simone Tebet (MDB) and Soraya Thronicke (União Brasil ). 

On September 24, from 6:15 pm (beginning of the debate) to midnight, the macro topics most commented on by people on Twitter were: Corruption, Human Rights, Education, Economy and Violence. The analyzed interval includes conversations that continued after the event, which ended at 8:30 pm. 

Regarding more specific matters, the “debut” of the candidate Father Kelmon had repercussions. The fact that this was the first time he participated in a debate in these elections aroused the curiosity of people on the platform. Likewise, the absence of candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) at the event also generated a lot of conversation on Twitter. 

In addition, there were a lot of comments about “right of reply”: generally speaking, the amount of rights of reply requested and granted caught the attention of people on Twitter. Finally, as in the previous debate, complaints were seen on the platform about the lack of approach to concrete proposals from the candidates to the topics brought up for discussion. 

Also from 6:15 pm to midnight, the emojis most used by people in election Tweets were 

The debate was also broadcast live on Twitter, on the profiles @cnnbrasil , @terra and @estadao, totaling more than 2 million viewers.

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Gisele Simões

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