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Journalist and writer assumes the presidency of ABME Mulher:

Association will aim to provide institutional space for the appreciation, connection and professional improvement of women

In this time of increasing appreciation of women, one more initiative reinforces the evidence that female potential has been widened in various segments of society. So it was with the Brazilian Association of Evangelical Media (ABME), created nine years ago, which has just opened an institutional space for the appreciation, connection and professional improvement of women. This week, on September 21, ABME Mulher was inaugurated, with the aim of adding proposals connected to the demands and challenges of the female audience.

The presidency of ABME Mulher is Virgínia Martin, a journalist and writer, with 30 years of experience in the area of ​​communication and who already works as a mentor for women, with an approach to emotional development and entrepreneurship.

The new ABME WOMAN was announced during the 10th ABME Business Meeting, held at the Windsor Guanabara hotel, in the city center of Rio de Janeiro. Directly from Brasilia, as special guests, came José Ricardo da Veiga, National Secretary of Sponsorship and Publicity of the Communication Secretariat (SECOM), of the federal government, and André de Souza, general coordinator of SECOM. Both were also speakers, being honored with the Davi Gomes Journalist Medal.

ABME currently has approximately 900 members, including communication professionals, opinion makers, entrepreneurs and leaders of various organizations. “The positive performance of women has overcome all the challenges and demands that we still face today. Through ABME WOMAN, we will be strong women supporting other women on various fronts of our existence, unique and different from men”, highlights Virgínia.

About Virgínia: journalist with specialization in Marketing and Advertising, Business Communication and Neurosciences, she has written three books for women, is a columnist for the magazine Malu em Papo de Empreendedora.

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